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October 4th General Update

Hey everyone, Reecius here to give you a general update on Blood Throne. We have a lot of fun information to cover so let’s jump in.

As of now we just have the organizer trays and rule books to finish along with some graphic design work outstanding for the Hero Expansion in regards to cards and tokens. However, the majority of the heavy lift in regards to development is done. The work at this stage is just making things look nice and preparing for manufacturing, which is a lot more involved than one would think. Getting all of the tokens and such to fit into cut sheets that fit in the box with all of the other components is actually quite complex but we got through that and are now just aligning the art to the tokens.

The art, rules and creative writing teams are actually already on to the next expansion for Blood Throne which will feature two factions in a PvP and PvE adventure set in another part of the world of Cheol! My focus though as project manager is on getting the Core Game and Hero Expansion ready to begin production which if all goes well we will be doing the final adjustments to set up manufacturing next month! We still look like a January/February time frame to fulfill but if that gets pushed back I will be sure to let everyone know to maintain transparency.

Sample Core Rule Book Pages

Here are a few pages from the core game Rule Book which is coming along really well. It took a lot longer to put together than initially thought as we decided to up the presentation, add some art and create digital maps for the scenarios (those are almost done and I should be able to show them off soon!). Below are a few sample pages from the lore section of the book as well as tactical scenario rules section. Bear in mind, these are not final, you may see some references to section XX which obviously will be filled in once we have the total page count done, and there will be adjustments to image positions, etc.

Coming along! This is one of the last major hurdles to jump over before we can begin manufacturing.

See Blood Throne Models at Spiel Essen!

Spiel is a MASSIVE board game convention that takes place in Germany and is going on right now. They have over 200,000 attendees! If you are there, visit Unicool’s booth 4A410 and you can see some of the Blood Throne models that will be coming in the box on display!

Blood Throne is on YouTube!

Blood Throne YouTube Channel

I completely forgot to post that this was up and operational back when I finished it. You can check out the podcasts there and see the promotional and informational videos we created for blood Throne. I will be adding rules tutorials to it, and the rulebook will have a QR code to the rules section of the channel as well. Further, I will be making videocasts that go with the podcast for people that prefer those. Just bear with me, I have not edited a YouTube video in years so they may look a little amateurish at first!

This Weekend

I will be recording the first videocast today which will be a companion to the Barbarian in-depth article that I have written. Assuming I don’t hit any snags it should be ready to go no later than Monday but I hope to have it ready for tomorrow. Please let me know if the format looks nice or if there is anything I can do to improve it once it is posted!

Thanks for reading and I hope everyone has a great weekend.

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