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Free Warcry Updates!

So, we’ve got the latest update on Warcry, and surprise, surprise, it’s all about the Vermindoom and yet another Skaven invasion. It’s almost like the Mortal Realms are stuck in a perpetual cycle of chaos, war, and rats. This time, Sigmar’s Ruination chamber is getting involved, apparently to clean up the mess they arguably helped create by allowing the Vermindoom to happen in the first place. Their warriors now have some kind of immunity to negative effects, thanks to their eroded souls and an “Ancient Aura” – basically a built-in plot device to make them tougher to beat. Convenient, right?

As for their lineup, we’ve got the usual mix of over-the-top heroes like the Lord-Vigilant on Gryph-stalker and Lord-Veritant, plus the new Knight-Azyros. They’re predictably tough, bolstered by a nostalgia-fueled mechanic called “Memories of Past Glories.” Because nothing screams combat readiness like daydreaming about the good old days.

On the Darkoath side, we’ve got more warriors who’ve sold their souls to Chaos, swearing “Oaths of Murder” (because subtlety is clearly overrated). Complete one of these murder missions, and boom—your fighter gets a free ability. It sounds like a nice perk for signing on to a lifetime of servitude under some dark god. We get the usual assortment of units here too: Chieftains, Marauders, and the Darkoath Wilderfiend, which I’m sure will make their presence known with as much nuance as a sledgehammer.

And then there’s Brand’s Oathbound, because what’s a Chaos cult without a power-hungry figurehead? Gunnar Brand and his crew continue their grim quest for power, getting rewarded by their patrons for… more killing, of course. Because in Warhammer, when in doubt, always default to more violence.

Oh, and let’s not forget the obligatory rules updates. The Skaven – who seem to multiply faster than any player’s unpainted minis – are reinforcing their already absurdly large horde with new units. Meanwhile, the Ironjawz Ardboys get some love with updates reflecting changes from last year. It’s nice to see Games Workshop throwing them a bone – or an axe, in this case.

If you’re into abs, questionable pacts with evil gods, and more rats than anyone really needs, there’s plenty to dig into. If you’re hoping for something different or groundbreaking, well, don’t hold your breath.

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