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Mechanicum Battle Group Revealed for Legions Imperialis!

So, here we go again with another massive launch box—this time for the Mechanicum Battle Group in Legions Imperialis. It’s got a hefty 146 miniatures, which sounds impressive on paper, but let’s be real, it’s just a mountain of tiny plastic figures. The box promises a “perfect balance” of units, from disposable Tech-thralls to chunky Thallax and hulking battle automata, but if history with these games has taught us anything, balance is always a bit of a pipe dream.

The box is marketed as a great entry point for starting a Mechanicum army, whether you’re with the loyalists or the Dark Mechanicum, but at this point, who hasn’t seen a launch box claiming to be “the perfect way” to start an army? Sure, the miniatures might be highly detailed for their size, but it’s hard to say how much of that detail will even matter when you’re squinting at them during a game.

There’s a good mix of units here, including Tech-thralls, Thallax cohorts, and the usual assortment of mechanized death machines. The Castellax and Thanatar automata are supposed to stand out, boasting “remarkable detail,” but honestly, how different will they be from the plastic kits we’ve already seen in Warhammer: The Horus Heresy?

The air support units and heavily armored transports are cool in theory, but let’s not kid ourselves—these will probably play out as slow, methodical, and kind of predictable on the tabletop. They claim the set offers flexibility, with the ability to field these as Allied Detachments in Legiones Astartes or Solar Auxilia armies. But, I mean, how often do these “allied” features actually see play outside of very specific army builds?

And as always, rules are “coming soon” in some future publication. So, we’re left waiting yet again for more information about how these units actually work in Legions Imperialis. If you’ve been following Warhammer for any length of time, you know what that means—be prepared to open your wallet for another book down the line.

In short, it’s more of the same: a big box, a ton of units, and promises of detailed minis and balanced gameplay. But whether it lives up to the hype remains to be seen. Time will tell if this is the game-changer the Mechanicum fans are hoping for, or just another massive pile of plastic on the shelf.

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