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Meet the Galaxy’s Most Infamous Bounty Hunters!

Ready to meet a rogues’ gallery of the galaxy’s most notorious bounty hunters? These aren’t your average mercenaries.

These deadly, morally flexible individuals are as dangerous as they are famous. You’ve heard their names before: Boba Fett, Bossk, IG-88, and Dengar. These mercenaries may sometimes work together, but they are no strangers to assembling alongside assassins and criminals across the galaxy. Their primary goal? To get paid, no matter the cost. In fact, these pros often prefer to deliver their targets dead rather than alive!

Not a Team, But a Deadly Force

This group of hunters isn’t a single unit led by one leader. Instead, they’re a collection of independent, expert guns for hire. They back up anyone willing to meet their price, whether it’s the Galactic Empire, a mercenary warlord, or even a Sith Lord. In their prime, these characters were known to answer calls from the likes of Darth Vader and Jabba the Hutt. They’re shady, they’re skilled, and they always deliver.

Boba Fett: The Merciless Mandalorian

First up is Boba Fett, the cloned son of Jango Fett, decked out in Mandalorian armor and known for his lethal arsenal. This bounty hunter is famous for his cunning and versatility. With abilities like “You’re Running Out of Options” (which allows him mobility or a bonus attack) and “Dead or Alive” (his tactics ability for cornering prey), Fett uses his jetpack to jump into action and take full advantage of the terrain.

Although he might not always take on his enemies single-handedly, Boba Fett can trap even the strongest opponents with his Whipcord Launcher, which Disarms and Pins targets, making escape almost impossible. Oh, and don’t forget his knee rockets! Perfect for softening up nearby enemies.

Boba Fett is as comfortable fighting among scoundrels as he is with the Galactic Empire, and his “Notorious Disintegrator” stance makes him dangerous at both long and close range. His Combat Tree offers devastating damage, with the potential to Disarm, Shove, or use active abilities like his whipcord or rockets. To top it off, his Beskar Armor helps him shrug off weaker attacks with ease.

Bossk: Cold-Blooded and Ready to Hunt

Next up, we have Bossk, the fearsome Trandoshan hunter. This reptilian brute has been working alongside Boba Fett since the latter was a teenager, and while they often operate separately, they remain on good terms.

Bossk is nearly indestructible thanks to his regeneration abilities, which allow him to recover quickly from damage unless Strained. He’s also equipped with explosive ordnance that helps him deal serious damage while closing the gap with his prey. In his “Cold-Blooded Killer” stance, Bossk is a master tactician. Armed with his Relby-V10 Mortar Gun, he uses explosions to shove enemies into more vulnerable positions.

When engaged, Bossk’s razor-sharp talons can rip through even the most skilled commandos. True to his mercenary nature, Bossk’s “Payday” ability gives him great flexibility, allowing him to switch allegiances during a mission if the price is right. “We Have a Job to Do” also allows him to retaliate against enemies who harm his squadmates, proving his loyalty – at least for the duration of the contract.

IG-88B: The Calculating Assassin Droid

Up next is IG-88B, one of several deadly assassin droids built on the same frame. These droids may be specialized killers, but they’re also incredibly adaptable and creative. IG-88B’s every move is calculated to bring swift death to his High Priority Target. With “Calculated Plans,” he mitigates luck by rerolling failed attacks, ensuring precision strikes and critical hits.

Like Bossk, IG-88B is a team player. His “Always Gets the Job Done” ability allows him to Disarm, Strain, and Expose targets, making them easy pickings for himself or his allies. “I Engineer Success, Yet… It Eludes Me” helps him dislodge enemies from objectives, although it’s a risky maneuver that could backfire.

In his “Any Means Necessary” stance, IG-88B excels both in melee and ranged combat. His Combat Tree is flexible and highly damaging, making him a dangerous adversary whether he’s fighting alone or as part of a squad.

Dengar: The Relentless Fighter

Last but not least, we have Dengar, a veteran bounty hunter who may not look as flashy as the others but is no less deadly. Dengar prefers straightforward combat, relying on brute force rather than cunning tactics. Like Bossk, he’s a mercenary motivated purely by cash, and his “Payday” ability reflects his desire for cold, hard credits.

Dengar’s strategy is simple: let the enemy underestimate him, then strike when they least expect it. “Being Underestimated Has Its Values” gives him the advantage of being held in reserve, where he can swoop in to finish off weakened enemies. He’s no slouch in defense either, with Steadfast and Immunity to Pinned.

When it comes to close combat, Dengar is a force to be reckoned with, thanks to his “Brute Force” stance, where he unleashes devastating blows with ruthless efficiency.

Building the Ultimate Bounty Hunter Squad

When putting together a squad, you’ll always have plenty of options to choose from. But if you’re looking for a group of hard-hitting mercenaries, these four have a lot to offer. Boba Fett, Bossk, IG-88B, and Dengar are all formidable Secondaries who can quickly neutralize key targets or seize crucial objectives.

Each of these bounty hunters brings their own unique set of skills, and while IG-88B doesn’t adopt additional Tags like the others, his ability to disable and destroy priority enemies makes him an invaluable asset to any squad. At the end of the day, when the mission is tough and loyalty is overrated, you need a professional who gets the job done. No questions asked.

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