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The Midnight Sons Unite to Hunt Down Dracula!

On the night of the full moon, a team of supernatural commandos stealthily approach a foreboding castle on the hill. As they silently take down the thralls guarding the path, they hope to remain undetected—but their luck runs out. The dark lord of the castle, Dracula, has been alerted. His army of thralls warns him of the approaching Midnight Sons, and the showdown between the forces of good and evil begins!

The Midnight Sons, including the likes of Werewolf by Night, Frankenstein’s Monster, and N’Kantu the Living Mummy, have joined forces to hunt Dracula. They face a cunning opponent, the leader of the Thralls of Dracula and a key member of the Cabal. But these fearsome heroes are no strangers to danger.

N’Kantu: The Living Mummy’s Soul Harvesting Power

N’Kantu, the Living Mummy, is driven by the power of Anubis, collecting souls to fuel his supernatural abilities. With Anubis’s Soul Harvester, N’Kantu gains a Captured Soul token each time he dazes or KOs a character, or when he deals damage using his Sever Soul ability. These tokens can be spent to heal, remove conditions, or boost his power through Living Death.

His resilience is further amplified by Undead Empowerment, which allows him to count fails as wilds, increasing the chances of triggering powerful effects like those found in his Swarili Strike. This attack taps into N’Kantu’s legacy as a warrior, and paired with his Alchemical Curse of Nephrus, which reduces damage, N’Kantu becomes a formidable and durable 3-threat character.

Cursed to live forever, N’Kantu was once trapped in a sarcophagus for centuries. Now, with a mission from Anubis, he collects souls in exchange for the hope of a peaceful death. But during battle, when he collects enough power and Captured Souls, his Service to Anubis unleashes devastating attacks that can turn the tide in favor of the Midnight Sons.

Frankenstein’s Monster: A Sturdy and Relentless Fighter

Stitched together from the bodies of the dead, Adam, better known as Frankenstein’s Monster, brings raw power to the Midnight Sons. With 7 health on each side, 4 physical defense, and healing abilities through Replacement Parts, Adam is a tough combatant to bring down. He may look slow, but with a medium move on a 50mm base and a Charge superpower, Adam can close distances quickly and deal heavy blows.

His The Monster’s Fury attack can hit with up to 12 dice, and with a Size 4 terrain throw in his arsenal, his damage output is immense. His Thick Skull allows him to stagger enemies for just 1 power if he sneaks through damage, offering excellent crowd control. And, of course, as someone brought to life through electricity, Adam is immune to shock effects.

Despite his monstrous exterior, Adam craves companionship. Through his Hideous Monster ability, he can shield his allies by becoming the target of enemy attacks. This not only protects his team but also gives him more power to fuel his devastating abilities. When attacked, Adam can move enemies closer, positioning them for his next attack.

Werewolf by Night: Fast, Ferocious, and Unstoppable

Cursed with lycanthropy, Jack Russell, also known as Werewolf by Night, harnesses the power of the moon to transform into a fearsome werewolf. With his supernatural agility, Jack moves swiftly across the battlefield, leaping and pouncing on enemies with brutal attacks. His Savage Slash delivers 6 dice of damage, and his Pounce lets him leap across the map, making him a difficult target to pin down.

When he has the power, Lethal Lycanthrope allows him to unleash a savage spender attack with a guaranteed throw, ensuring his enemies feel the full force of his werewolf rage. And if that’s not enough, Midnight Massacre threatens to finish off any foes who dare survive his initial onslaught. Jack’s Healing Factor allows him to recover from damage, making him tough to take down.

The phases of the moon also play a crucial role in Jack’s strategy. With Phases of the Moon, Jack can choose whether to lean into his ferocity under a full moon or rely on his cunning during a new moon, allowing him to adapt his playstyle throughout the battle.

Dracula: Lord of Vampires and Master of Darkness

Born in the 15th century as a prince of Wallachia, Vlad Dracula became the Lord of the Vampires after being infected with vampirism. His centuries of experience as a warrior and commander make him one of the most dangerous foes the Midnight Sons will ever face.

Like the rest of the supernatural monsters, Dracula has remarkable healing capabilities. With Unholy Vampiric Immortality, Dracula regenerates health around bleeding characters, and his attacks can cause bleed. He can heal himself with Blood Feast, or recover outside of his activation with Eternal Hunger if attacked by enemies within range. His Shapeshifting superpower further enhances his survivability, allowing him to turn into mist, removing all special conditions.

But Dracula isn’t just about defense. His Ancestral Blade is a powerful 7-die attack that can trigger the Curse of Shadows, spreading the Bleed condition to further fuel his vampiric abilities. Follow this up with Fury of the Vampyr, an 8-die attack with a guaranteed throw, and Dracula can decimate foes in close range.

His Thralls of Dracula leadership offers Bloodlust, which allows his squad to spread the Bleed condition, maximizing their regeneration capabilities and giving Dracula a monstrous advantage in battle.

The Midnight Sons Strategy: Healing, Resilience, and Power!

The synergy between Blade, N’Kantu, Frankenstein’s Monster, and Werewolf by Night makes the Midnight Sons a nearly unstoppable force. Each character can remove damage from themselves, making it difficult for enemies to make their attacks stick without fully Dazing or KO’ing them. They can play around reactive abilities, heal between activations, and use Blade’s Bump in the Night leadership to place themselves out of harm’s way.

Together, these monsters are a powerful squad, ready to take on Dracula and his army of thralls. As the full moon rises, the battle for dominance between the Midnight Sons and the Lord of Vampires has only just begun!

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