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Board Game Review: Terraforming Mars Expansion: Prelude

Terraforming Mars: Prelude, designed by Jacob Fryxelius and published by FryxGames, is an expansion that aims to streamline and accelerate the early game of Terraforming Mars. Thematically, Prelude represents the early stages of Mars’ terraforming process, where corporations make pivotal decisions about how to kickstart their operations on the planet. Each player chooses from a set of Prelude cards at the beginning of the game, which provide powerful early-game boosts in the form of resources, production upgrades, or unique abilities. The expansion doesn’t drastically change the core mechanics but enhances the strategic foundation for the rest of the game by offering players a quicker start.


  1. Speeds Up the Early Game: One of Prelude’s biggest strengths is how it significantly reduces the slow, sometimes plodding start of Terraforming Mars. Players often complain about the early turns being too incremental, but the Prelude cards give you an immediate boost, letting you feel like you’re making meaningful progress from the outset.
  2. Enhances Strategic Variety: The Prelude cards are well-balanced and introduce new strategies without overwhelming players. Choosing which cards to play adds another layer of strategic planning, as they can shape the entire direction of your game. It encourages you to think about how these early-game bonuses will synergize with your corporation and project cards.
  3. Shortens Playtime: By jumpstarting production and terraforming efforts, Prelude helps shorten the overall game length, making it more accessible for groups that may not have the time or patience for a 3-hour marathon session. Games with Prelude tend to flow more smoothly, getting into the mid-game meat faster.
  4. Low Complexity, High Impact: Unlike some expansions that bog down the game with extra rules or layers of complexity (e.g., Turmoil), Prelude integrates seamlessly into the base game without adding much overhead. It’s easy to teach, easy to integrate, and still manages to have a big impact on gameplay.
  5. Great for Experienced and New Players: Experienced players appreciate the extra strategic choices and faster pacing, while newer players will find it easier to grasp the core mechanics without the initial slow buildup. It balances accessibility with depth nicely, appealing to both ends of the spectrum.


  1. Limits Long-Term Strategy: While Prelude speeds up the early game, it can also overshadow the strategic nuance of slowly building your engine. Some players might feel that the early-game tension and gradual development are diminished because the Prelude cards immediately ramp up production. The feeling of painstakingly crafting your economy is somewhat diminished.
  2. Card Synergy Can Be Overpowered: Depending on your corporation and card draws, some Prelude cards can feel overly strong. If you get lucky and draw the right combo of corporation and Prelude cards, you might feel like you’re running away with the game early on, leaving other players struggling to catch up.
  3. Reduced Focus on the Base Game’s Core Engine-Building: Prelude shifts some focus away from the gradual engine-building that Terraforming Mars is known for. The accelerated production can feel like it skips over the core enjoyment of managing scarcity and building slowly toward a grand strategy. For purists who love the slow escalation of the base game, this could feel like a dilution of the experience.
  4. May Shorten the Challenge: While the shorter playtime is a plus for many, some might feel that it reduces the challenge or tension in the early game. Terraforming Mars is about long-term planning, and Prelude makes it easier to achieve that. For those who enjoy the full arc of struggle to success, this may feel like it takes away some of the reward of seeing a plan unfold gradually.


Terraforming Mars: Prelude is a must-have expansion for anyone who enjoys the base game but finds the early turns too slow or the overall playtime too long. It offers just the right amount of early-game boost without radically changing the mechanics or adding unnecessary complexity. The accelerated pace, enhanced strategic options, and shorter playtime make it a perfect addition for seasoned players who want to focus more on mid- and late-game strategy or for newer players who want a smoother introduction to the game.

That said, it does have some drawbacks: the rapid start can feel like it sidesteps some of the engine-building that defines Terraforming Mars, and there’s always the chance of overpowered synergies making the game feel lopsided. For fans of gradual progression and the core base game’s pacing, Prelude might feel like it’s rushing the experience.

In terms of expansions, Prelude is relatively simple but impactful—a great choice for anyone looking to refresh their Terraforming Mars experience without overwhelming it with too many new rules. It strikes a solid balance between accessibility and strategic depth, offering something valuable to both newcomers and veterans alike.

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