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Renaissance Heavy Cavalry Coming from Wargames Atlantic

Wargames Atlantic has some gorgeous new Renaissance Heavy Cavalry miniatures up for pre-order. Let’s take a look at the release info!

Wargames Atlantic has been churning out better and better plastic kits, and their new Renaissance Heavy Cavalry looks to be one of their best! This kit can make 12 riders typical of 15th and 16th century armies. Cavalry in this period generally wore something called “three-quarters plate,” slightly less armor than the full harness (suit of armor) of previous generations. They were very commonly deployed as Demi-lancers or Reiters (A word literally meaning “rider” but basically used to mean “cavalry”), armed with swords and pistols.

The kit can build 12 Demi-lancers or Reiters, armed with either matchlock or wheellock pistols. They were designed alongside the recent Conquistador release from Wargames Atlantic and actually use many of the same heads. Likely, many of the arms from that kit will be compatible with this one, as well. That also means that poofy sleaves and feathered helmets abound, making these excellent Old World proxies for either Empire or Border Prince / Estalia armies.

The box comes with 4 rider / armor sprues, 4 head / saddle sprues and 4 horse sprues, featuring WA’s ubiquitous and excellent “light horses.” There are also two “wardogs” on each head/ saddle sprue, meaning 8 total dogs in the kit, which could simply add flavor to your bases, or perhaps find their own use in some games. What do you think of the kit, ill you be picking one up? Let us know in the comments!

And remember, Frontline Gaming sells gaming products at a discount, every day in their webcart!

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