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Killteam Xenos Previews!

In the grim, war-torn galaxy of the 41st Millennium, alien civilizations wage their own battles for survival. Whether fledgling empires or ancient dynasties, each Xenos race has developed unique strategies and operatives for the covert, high-stakes missions featured in Kill Team. Here’s a look at the varied Xenos forces available at launch, and their distinct approaches to warfare:

Ork Kommandos

Orks are renowned for their love of brutal, chaotic warfare, but Kommandos stand out for their uncharacteristic subtlety—at least by Ork standards. These operatives are experts in stealth tactics, though they remain ready to unleash their pent-up aggression when the time is right.

Kroot Farstalker Kinbands

Working as mercenaries for the T’au Empire, Kroot Farstalker Kinbands are highly skilled hunters with an innate connection to the wilds. These avian predators operate with swift, adaptable tactics, often acting as scouts and vanguards for the T’au.

T’au Pathfinders

The T’au Empire is known for its focus on high-tech warfare, and Pathfinder Teams exemplify this, employing sophisticated gear to infiltrate enemy lines and complete vital objectives.

Necron Hierotek Circle

The ancient Necrons have existed for millions of years, their operatives encased in living metal bodies and armed with reality-warping technology. Hierotek Circles are small teams sent by Crypteks to investigate or pursue esoteric interests.

Genestealer Cult Brood Brothers

The Brood Brothers are Astra Militarum soldiers who have fallen under the sway of the Genestealer Cults. These guerilla fighters use their enhanced senses and cult training to wage insidious warfare against the Imperium.

Leagues of Votann Hearthkyn Salvagers

The Hearthkyn Salvagers from the Leagues of Votann are independent and resilient operatives who excel in recovery operations, often embarking on dangerous missions to salvage valuable loot.

Leagues of Votann Hernkyn Yaegirs

The Hernkyn Yaegirs are resourceful trackers and hunters who specialize in fast, bloody skirmishes. Lighter and more agile than their Hearthkyn counterparts, they thrive in close-range combat and rapid maneuvers.

More to Come…

As the Kill Team continues to expand, more Xenos factions will join the fray. Each of these teams brings its own flavor of war to the battlefield, from the stealthy Kommandos to the calculated precision of the Pathfinders, and the ancient power of the Necrons.

The galaxy is vast, and the Xenos forces continue to play their part in the ongoing struggle for dominance in the 41st Millennium. Stay tuned for future updates as the war continues to unfold.

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