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Victrix Shows of Medieval Foot Knights

Victrix has shown off more renders of their upcoming Medieval Foot Knights. Let’s take a look!

Victrix Limited is continuing to flesh out their High Medieval line of miniatures. Hot on the heals of the release of their mounted medieval knights set comes renders of their medieval foot knights. Here are some glory shots!

In these final renders we can see a vast range of head options, command options, and weapons. There are two handed swords and axes, hand weapons of every variety, and shields in various sizes. On top of this, most head and arm options should be interchangeable with the mounted knights. Not bad!

These foot knights are now past the sculpting step and being laid out for tooling, which means we are likely still a couple months away from release. What do you think of these? Will you be picking them up when they hit the market? Let us know in the comments!

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