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Moulder’s Masterworks in the New Skaven Battletome!

Alright, my fellow Skaven schemers, buckle up because Clans Moulder are back with a vengeance, and they’ve brought their nightmarish creations along for the ride! The new Skaven Battletome puts the spotlight on the deranged experiments and grotesque horrors spawned from the Moulder’s infamous flesh pits. Let’s dive into the madness that these Master Moulders are cooking up!

The Moulder’s Horrific Ambition: One Giant Rat Thing to Rule Them All

The ultimate goal of these twisted geniuses is as insane as you’d expect: grafting all of Skavendom into one massive rat-beast to consume the cosmos. Yeah, they’re not thinking small. To achieve this goal, the Master Moulders have turned their flesh-grafting techniques on themselves and their creations, twisting and warping everything into monstrous, barely recognizable forms.

But becoming a Master Moulder isn’t for just any rat; only the cruelest, most unhinged Skaven make it to that rank. These guys aren’t on the frontlines for glory—they’re there to watch their “beautiful” creations shred enemies apart while they claim victory as their own genius at work.

Tyrannical Packmasters: Goading Beasts into Battle

Each Master Moulder has a Tyrannical Packmaster, staying close to their favorite monstrosity and urging it into battle with sharp squeaks and jabs from surgical tools and thing-catchers. These goading tactics even boost their charge rolls—because what’s scarier than a giant rat monster? A giant rat monster charging faster because it’s getting poked!

Brood Terrors: The Ultimate Creation

At the top of the Moulder’s twisted to-do list are Brood Terrors, towering heaps of muscle, flesh, and warp-machinery. Often fitted with bits from Clans Skryre, these shambling nightmares are as much machinery as they are monster. Oh, and if a Master Moulder is feeling particularly “creative,” they might even stitch themselves into one of these pulsating horrors. Gross? Definitely. Awesome? Absolutely.

Warsptone Fumes & Regenerating Monsters

As if these monsters weren’t tough enough, they spew Warpstone Fumes from their patchwork bodies, making it harder for enemies to land hits by reducing their hit rolls by 1. And if they do manage to hurt them? No worries! These Regenerating Terrors can heal up to D6 wounds at the end of any turn—and if there’s a Master Moulder nearby, they’ll get an extra healing boost!

Thanquol’s Mutated Menagerie: A Carnival of Horror

The infamous Grey Seer Thanquol is all about that mutant life now, leading the second Army of Renown in the new battletome—Thanquol’s Mutated Menagerie. This carnival of horrors includes Rat Ogors, Hell Pit Abominations, Brood Terrors, Stormfiends, and of course, Master Moulders. With Thanquol at the helm, the Moulder’s experiments go into overdrive.

Every turn, Thanquol’s forces can enhance one non-hero Mutated Menagerie unit, boosting their durability, speed, and strength. But here’s the catch—More-More Mutation comes at a price. These enhancements burn out the creatures fast, drastically shortening their lifespan.

Rampaging Demise: Explosive Final Moments

Thanquol doesn’t care how his minions end up, as long as they do as much damage as possible before they die. His creations can unleash a Rampaging Demise—a final, violent outburst that catches enemy troops off-guard. The beasts literally tear themselves apart at the end of the turn, exploding in a spray of rancid flesh and warpstone, potentially dealing Mortal Wounds to any unfortunate nearby enemies.

The Flesh-Shaped Future is Here

This sick, twisted army of horrors is made even more terrifying with additional rules that push these monstrous creations to the limit. All of this madness can be found in the Battletome: Skaven, available for pre-order tomorrow. If you’ve ever wanted to lead a parade of rat-monstrosities or create your own flesh-fueled terror, this is your chance!

So get ready, fellow ratlords—grab your scalpels, surgical tools, and a big ol’ bag of warpstone. The time for Clans Moulder to reign supreme is here. Let the mutant rampage begin!

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