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Kill Team: Learn the Lore Behind the Massif Ballistus

The grim and unyielding world of Volkus stands as a testament to the relentless war machine of the Imperium, where every facet of life is dedicated to the defense of humanity. Situated within the Chalnath Expanse, Volkus is a crucial manufacturing hub, churning out everything from military equipment to civilian necessities. But its true significance lies in its unparalleled defense network, dominated by the colossal and enigmatic Massif Ballistus.

Massif Ballistus: The Emperor’s Hammer

The Massif Ballistus is the crown jewel of Volkus’ defenses, a weapon so immense that its origins are lost to time. Anchored deep within the planet’s mantle and extending its barrels into the stratosphere, this planetary defense cannon is unlike any other in the galaxy. Capable of firing shells the size of city blocks over distances of half a million miles, it has single-handedly annihilated Chaos fleets, vaporized space hulks, and even shattered a moon used by Ork Freebooters as a staging ground. The sheer force of its recoil and the backblast from each firing devastates the surrounding landscape, leaving a wasteland in its wake.

Hive Fissilicus: The Ringed Metropolis

Encircling the base of the Massif Ballistus is Hive Fissilicus, a massive, ring-shaped city that serves as the nerve center for the Great Gun’s operations. This sprawling hive city is dedicated to the manufacturing, assembly, and loading of the cannon’s enormous shells. Each district within the hive specializes in producing different components—warheads, casings, propellants—transported by reinforced maglev trains to the final assembly zone in Cascabael.

The inhabitants of Hive Fissilicus live in constant reverence and fear of the Massif Ballistus, which they call Sacred Death. Despite the immense destruction it causes with each firing, the citizens view it as a divine manifestation of the Emperor’s might. Deafened pilgrims flock to the gun’s vicinity, drowning out the warning klaxons with fervent hymns and prayers, showing their unwavering faith even as their homes are reduced to rubble by the gun’s fury.

A Target for the T’au Empire

Given its strategic importance, the Massif Ballistus is a prime target for the enemies of the Imperium, particularly the T’au Empire. Disabling or destroying the cannon would deal a severe blow to Imperial morale throughout the Chalnath Expanse, making it a key objective for the T’au forces. However, the defenders of Volkus are ever vigilant. The elite Tempestus Aquilons regiments stand ready to respond to any threat, their Valkyries poised to strike at a moment’s notice.

Prepare for Kill Team: Hivestorm

The conflict over the Massif Ballistus forms the backdrop for Kill Team: Hivestorm, where players will engage in high-stakes missions to decide the fate of this titanic weapon. Whether you side with the Imperium or the T’au, the battles that play out in the shadow of the Massif Ballistus will be nothing short of epic.

As the release of Kill Team: Hivestorm approaches, make sure to stay informed by signing up for the latest news, rules, and reveals. The future of the Massif Ballistus—and perhaps the entire Chalnath Expanse—hangs in the balance.

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