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Tithes: Episode 2 Preview!

The second installment of The Tithes animated anthology is on its way, and it brings a compelling new chapter titled Episode II: Harvest, featuring Atlacoya, a formidable and silent warrior of the Sisters of Silence. This episode dives deep into the enigmatic and rare order of these soulless hunters, exploring their role in the vast and labyrinthine Imperium of the 41st Millennium.

The Sisters of Silence

The Sisters of Silence are a unique and mysterious force within the Warhammer 40k universe. Unlike most factions, they don’t fit neatly into the Imperium’s many layers of power and influence. Originally created during the Emperor’s Great Crusade—a time of supposed enlightenment and progress—the Sisters have always been a bit of an anomaly. In the current era, their existence is scarcely acknowledged, and their role is shrouded in secrecy.

These warriors are exceptionally rare, even more so than during the time of the Great Crusade. Their soulless nature makes them both incredibly valuable and highly dangerous. They are deployed sparingly, mainly for the crucial task of shepherding psykers to the Imperium, ensuring the continued function of the Astronomican, the psychic beacon that guides the Emperor’s ships through the Warp.

Challenges in Animation

Bringing the Sisters of Silence, particularly Atlacoya, to life in animation posed unique challenges. The Sisters don’t speak, relying instead on Thoughtmark, a form of non-verbal communication. This presented the animators with the task of conveying complex emotions and interactions without spoken dialogue. To achieve this, the team worked closely with sign language experts, using motion capture to create fluid and expressive movements that convey Atlacoya’s thoughts and feelings clearly, despite her lack of voice and the partial concealment of her face.

Rob, a consultant for this episode and a Child of Deaf Adults (CODA), played a significant role in shaping the representation of Thoughtmark. Drawing from his experience with British Sign Language (BSL), Rob helped the team navigate the intricacies of sign language and adapt it for the Warhammer universe. He emphasized the importance of non-verbal communication and the sense of isolation that can come with it, a theme that resonates deeply with the character of Atlacoya.

Episode Highlights

The episode features a moment where Atlacoya’s communication with a Space Marine is misunderstood, reflecting the challenges faced by those who rely on non-verbal communication in a world that isn’t always attuned to their needs. This interaction highlights the broader theme of connection and understanding in a galaxy where even allies can struggle to bridge the gap between their different experiences and methods of communication.

The meticulous work put into crafting Thoughtmark ensures that Atlacoya is not just a silent warrior but a fully realized character, whose actions and expressions speak volumes even without words.

Watch Episode II: Harvest

Fans can look forward to watching The Tithes Episode II: Harvest on Warhammer TV next week, exclusively for Warhammer+ subscribers. In the meantime, you can catch up on the first installment, Sacrifice, to get ready for the next thrilling chapter in this dark and atmospheric anthology.

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