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Tempestus Aquilons – Lore Background

The Tempestus Aquilons are the elite human troops making their debut in Kill Team: Hivestorm, squaring off against the agile Vespid Stingwings. These soldiers are some of the finest in the galaxy, but their journey to becoming Tempestus Aquilons begins under grim circumstances in the Schola Progenium—a harsh institution that molds the orphans of high-ranking Imperials and military leaders into unwavering servants of the God-Emperor. Many of these orphans go on to occupy key roles within the Imperium, such as Commissars, Battle Sisters, and novice Inquisitors, but those who show exceptional military powess become part of the Militarum Tempestus.

Schola Progenium and Militarum Tempestus

Graduates of the Schola Progenium who enter the Militarum Tempestus undergo rigorous training to become Tempestus Scions. These elite troops are equipped with superior weapons and armor, and their training includes mastering the use of grav-chutes for aerial deployments. As a result, Tempestus Scions form a highly mobile and deadly rapid-response force, capable of executing the Imperium’s most challenging missions with precision.

The Tempestus Aquilons

Among the Tempestus Scions, the most exceptional and adaptable recruits are selected to become Tempestus Aquilons. Unlike regular Scions, Aquilons are chosen for their ability to think independently, exhibit self-sufficiency, and improvise in the heat of battle—traits that are usually discouraged in the Imperium’s rigid hierarchy. These qualities make them ideally suited for high-risk, high-reward missions that often require deep penetration into enemy territory without the possibility of support.

Aquilons are known for their aggressive tactics and are particularly effective in close-quarters combat. Their arsenal includes specialist weapons like melta and plasma carbines, which are designed for maximum impact during rapid, airborne assaults. Their hot-shot las carbines are equipped with magazine-fed systems that allow them to fire while descending, preventing any entanglement with cables. Once on the ground, they can switch to their back-mounted power packs for sustained firepower.

Mission Profile

The Tempestus Aquilons are the Imperium’s go-to unit for missions that demand success at any cost. Their adaptability and improvisational skills have allowed them to turn the tide of battle in countless engagements. Even when facing overwhelming odds, the Aquilons remain steadfast, willing to pay the ultimate price to ensure their mission’s success.

For fans eagerly awaiting Kill Team: Hivestorm, the Tempestus Aquilons represent a formidable and versatile new force. Keep an eye out for more details, including the rules for this elite kill team, as the release date approaches. Stay informed by signing up for the newsletter, ensuring you’re among the first to receive all the latest news and updates.

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