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Exploring the Elite Squad: The Rise of CT-9904 and His Fearsome Team

Let’s dive into the story of the Elite Squad, a group assembled during one of the darker chapters in the life of CT-9904, better known as “Crosshair.”

This formidable squad came together after Crosshair’s dramatic split from his fellow members of Clone Force 99, the infamous Bad Batch. Unlike his former comrades, Crosshair was the only member of the Batch who followed Order 66, the command to eliminate the Jedi Order. His loyalty to the Galactic Empire was genuine, driven by conviction rather than the behavioral modification biochip implanted in him.

The Formation of the Elite Squad

Under CT-9904’s leadership, the Elite Squad marked a significant shift for the new Galactic Empire. Moving away from relying solely on clone troopers, the Empire began conscripting top soldiers from across the galaxy. These elite warriors relinquished their names, becoming known only by designations like ES-01, ES-02, ES-03, and ES-04. Their mission was clear: neutralize anti-Imperial insurgents and other threats to the Empire. This mission often put them on a collision course with Crosshair’s former friends, the Bad Batch, forcing CT-9904 into difficult and often heart-wrenching decisions.

Unwavering Loyalty and Ruthless Decisions

CT-9904’s commitment to the Empire was unshakable. He even went as far as executing a fellow squad member for refusing to carry out an order to kill civilians who had aided rebels. Among his squad, ES-04, known as Firebrand, stood out as one of his most loyal subordinates. Firebrand’s determination to neutralize the Bad Batch was even more intense than her commander’s, leading to a dramatic clash of loyalties that would eventually tear the Elite Squad apart. But not before they proved their effectiveness and laid the groundwork for the stormtrooper forces that would follow.

CT-9904: A Deadly Marksman

CT-9904, no matter the name he goes by, is a formidable adversary. His near-supernatural skill with the Firepuncher Sniper Rifle is unparalleled. Who else would have the nerve to use Reflector Discs to bounce shots off allies to hit enemies from unexpected angles? This unique ability enhances his range and firing lines, allowing him to strike targets that would otherwise be impossible to hit directly.

The genetically enhanced accuracy of CT-9904 brings several advantages in ranged combat. His precision is such that wounding key targets revitalizes him, represented by refreshed Force tokens. He’s also not above using his subordinates as an Expendable Distraction, positioning them strategically to deliver a lethal shot, even if it means firing through his own people.

Strategic Stances: Bad Play and Target Eliminated

CT-9904’s tactics are as nuanced as they are deadly. His two stances offer different but equally devastating capabilities. The Bad Play Stance is ideal for situations where he needs to close in on a target, offering stronger defense and the potential to reposition quickly. On the other hand, the Target Eliminated Stance is all about maximizing damage, perfect for when CT-9904 wants to finish off a target. However, this stance leaves him more vulnerable to counterattacks.

Firebrand: The Flame-Wielding Fury

ES-04, also known as Firebrand, is an exceptional soldier in her own right. She wields a flamethrower with terrifying efficiency, using it to flush enemies from key objectives. Her ability, Prescribed Fire, ignites anyone who dares linger, making cover against her all-consuming flames futile. Firebrand can also create Obscuring Flames, laying down walls of fire that make it difficult for enemies to see and attack her allies, providing much-needed cover.

Her Flamewall Stance is appropriately named, offering aggressive ranged attack stats and a powerful combat tree. It not only burns enemies where they stand but can also shove, pin, or disarm them. Watching Firebrand advance with her flamethrower on hapless defenders is a sight to behold, and one that strikes fear into the hearts of her enemies.

The Future of Imperial Might

The rest of the squad typically consists of additional Elite Squad Troopers, skilled veterans armed with DC-15A Blaster Rifles. These disciplined soldiers excel in aggressive use of Coordinated Fire, making them exceptionally accurate after taking a focus action. They embody the future of Imperial might, showcasing the Empire’s shift towards a more versatile and deadly military force.

Working as a precisely coordinated team, the squad uses a variety of abilities to position themselves strategically on the battlefield. The Tactical Advance Active Ability allows them to move swiftly, often benefiting from Firebrand’s Marching Orders or CT-9904’s Move to Position for additional mobility.

A Ruthless and Unflinching Approach to Battle

When deployed, the Elite Squad relentlessly pursues its objectives. The Elite Squad Troopers lay down devastating firepower, while ES-04 advances, using her flamethrower to protect the squad and clear objectives. Meanwhile, CT-9904 targets enemy leaders with deadly precision, sometimes using ricochet shots to strike from unexpected angles. Together, they embody the ruthless and unflinching approach to battle that would come to define the tactics of the Galactic Empire.

Step into the Dark Menace of the Empire

Taking command of the Elite Squad is perfect for those who revel in the dark menace of the Empire during this fascinating transitional period. It’s also ideal for fans of the Bad Batch’s story and their complex relationship with Imperial military authority. CT-9904 and the Elite Squad can either take center stage or fight alongside other famous Imperial figures, such as stormtroopers, Sith Lords, or bounty hunters. No matter the mission, they can always be counted on to follow orders, no matter how terrible those orders may be.

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