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Sanguinary Guard Preview

Alright, fellow Warhammer enthusiasts, buckle up because we’re diving into the glorious world of the Blood Angels, specifically the legendary Sanguinary Guard. These golden-clad warriors are the absolute elite, embodying everything that makes the Blood Angels one of the most iconic Chapters in Warhammer 40K. Whether you’re a seasoned Blood Angels player or new to the hobby, there’s a lot to get hyped about with these guys.

Who Are the Sanguinary Guard?

The Sanguinary Guard are the epitome of everything noble and terrifying about the Blood Angels. Their lineage dates all the way back to the Great Crusade when they served as the personal bodyguards of Sanguinius himself—yes, that Sanguinius, the Primarch of the Blood Angels. These warriors were handpicked from the best of the best, and even though they’ve since become more widespread on the battlefield, the tradition of selecting only the finest warriors has endured into the 41st Millennium.

What’s really cool is that Azkaellon (the first Captain of the Sanguinary Guard) laid down the law in the Codex Astartes that every Successor Chapter needs its own formation of Sanguinary Guard. This decree means that no matter where you look, these guys are always the cream of the crop. It’s like every Chapter has its own squad of mini-Sanguinius badasses.

What’s New with the Sanguinary Guard?

Let’s talk rules and stats, because the new Sanguinary Guard are bringing the heat in more ways than one. First off, their unit size has changed—now, they come in squads of 3 to 6, which is a bit smaller than what we’re used to. But don’t worry, because what they lack in numbers, they more than make up for in sheer survivability. They’ve been buffed with an extra Wound and a shiny new 4+ Invulnerable Save. That means these guys can shrug off some serious punishment and keep dishing it out in return.

When it comes to combat, these guys are no joke. Their signature encarmine blades are still here, ready to slice through enemy forces like a hot knife through butter. But now, they’ve got a new trick up their golden sleeves—encarmine spears with the [LANCE] rule. This means they’re even better at punching through tough targets when they charge, turning those high-value enemy units into scrap metal in a single blow.

Detachment Rules & Stratagems

Now, let’s get into the juicy stuff—Detachment rules and Stratagems. The Red Thirst Detachment rule is making a comeback for the new Liberator Assault Group Detachment, which boosts the Strength and Attacks of these glorious warriors. This rule is a dream come true for anyone who loves getting up close and personal with their foes.

But that’s not all—there’s a new Angelic Host Detachment that’s all about jump packs. The Death from the Skies Stratagem is particularly exciting because it lets your Sanguinary Guard Advance or Fall Back and still charge in the same turn. This is huge! Their mobility was already top-notch, but now you can pull off some seriously tactical plays, putting that [LANCE] rule to work turn after turn.

Customization and Equipment

One of the best parts about the new Sanguinary Guard miniatures is the customization options. Each model comes with the choice of the iconic death mask-style helmets (which look absolutely badass) or unhelmeted heads for those who like a more personal touch. You can also equip them with either the encarmine blade or spear, depending on how you want to build your squad.

But wait, there’s more! You’ve got the option to swap one of their angelus boltguns for an inferno pistol—because who doesn’t love a good melta weapon, right? Plus, one of your Sanguinary Guard can carry a Sanguinary Banner, which is a super rare relic usually stored in the Blood Angels’ vaults on Baal. It’s like waving a giant “I’m better than you” flag on the battlefield.

Final Thoughts

This is shaping up to be an epic release for Blood Angels players. The Blood Angels Army Set that’s dropping soon is going to be the perfect match for these new Sanguinary Guard models. Pair these golden warriors with some enraged Death Company troops, and you’ve got yourself a force that embodies both the beauty and the rage of the Blood Angels.

So, whether you’re a fan of melee-heavy combat, love the lore, or just want some seriously gorgeous models on your tabletop, the new Sanguinary Guard are going to be a must-have. Get ready to unleash some righteous fury on your opponents and show them what it really means to be a son of Sanguinius!

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