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Previewing The Mechanicum Units Coming this Saturday!

Alright, fellow Warhammer fans, buckle up because the Mechanicum is stepping into the spotlight with a massive new boxed set full of 29 miniatures! This new release is all about the Age of Darkness and brings the Mechanicum faction to life with full-plastic glory. Game dev James has spilled the beans on all the tactical goodness, so let’s dive in.

Thallax Cohorts: The Swift and Deadly Troops Choice

Thallax! These guys are arguably one of the best Troops choices in the game. They’re incredibly mobile, thanks to their Incunabulan jetpacks that boost their Move characteristic, let them leap over terrain, and even make an additional move after shooting. That means they can get wherever they need to be and pack a nasty punch with their lightning guns and Djinn-sight.

You can also kit them out with heavier weapons. A cohort of six Thallax armed with multi-meltas and melta bombs is perfect for hunting down heavily-armoured vehicles like Land Raiders. Or, you can opt for phased plasma fusils to cut through enemy Artificer or Terminator armour. Just watch out for enemy units with heavy firepower, as a Return Fire Reaction can really hurt these cyborgs.

Thallax are also excellent at drawing melee infantry out of position, usually outpacing them while raining down shots. If you’re feeling bold, chain bayonets are a cheap upgrade that give small Thallax cohorts the melee punch to threaten fire support units, though they should avoid dedicated melee units.

Tech-Priests: The Cybernetic Commanders

While the Mechanicum is known for its gigantic war machines, they’re nothing without the guidance of the Tech-Priests – the Archmagos Prime and Magos Dominus. These guys can wield the secret Rites of Cybertheurgy. One of the most useful is the Cybernetica Exortus Rite, which allows you to boost the combat capabilities of allied automata during your turn or let them use Reactions in your opponent’s turn. For extra points, use this on a unit with a Warlord sporting The Logic of Victory Warlord Trait.

Tech-thrall Covenants: The Stubborn Objective Holders

While Thallax are all about speed, the humble Adsecularis Tech-thrall Covenant plays a different role. They might not have the flashiest profile, but their combination of Stubborn and Feel No Pain (5+) makes them superb for holding objectives.

You don’t need hordes of them either. Small units of 10 can work well as lower priority targets for your opponent, while your marauding automata do the heavy lifting. Their las-locks, with Strength 4 and Assault 2, can put out a decent volume of shots when enemies close in, potentially triggering crucial Morale checks if they bring down just a few enemy models.

Castellax Battle-automata: The Resilient Firebases

Castellax Battle-automata might be overlooked in the Troops slot, especially since they lack the Line sub-type. But if you have an Archmagos Prime with the Cybernetica High-techno Arcana in the same Detachment, they can really shine. Their bulk and weapon variety make them similar to Contemptor Dreadnoughts, serving as a solid firebase. Their mauler bolt cannons with the Pinning special rule can threaten Legion Heavy Weapon Squads and draw out Reactions early in your Shooting Phase. With Fearless and four Wounds each, Castellax also make a tough anvil to absorb enemy attacks while your specialized units do their thing.

Embrace the Esoteric: Unique Mechanicum Weapons

The Mechanicum’s true strength lies in its unusual weaponry. Tech-Priests have access to graviton guns and corposant staves with the Haywire special rule, making them excellent at taking down Vehicles and Dreadnoughts. Myrmidon Destructors with irradiation engines can clear out heavily armoured infantry and large groups of enemy Legionaries from objectives. And there’s nothing more fun than seeing your opponent’s face when a Mechanicum Knight Atrapos triggers a vortex with its singularity cannon!

Ready to Pre-order

The Mechanicum Battle Group hits pre-orders this Saturday, and you can bolster your forces with the Knight Castigator and Acheron Knights Battle Group. Get ready to unleash the full might of the Mechanicum and dominate the battlefield with cybernetic precision!

And remember, Frontline Gaming sells gaming products at a discount, every day in their webcart!

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