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Discover the Black History of Hive Secundus

Hey, underhive veterans and green juves alike! If you thought Necromunda couldn’t get any crazier, hold onto your autoguns because Hive Secundus is about to blow your mind. This new setting brings a whole new level of chaos and danger, and I’m here to give you the lowdown.

The Dark History of Hive Secundus

Hive Secundus wasn’t always the nightmare it is now. Once, it was a beacon of knowledge and enlightenment on Necromunda, even back when the planet was called Araneus Prime. This place was the heart of an empire, filled with ancient lore and tech.

But then, the radical Magos Biologis Hermiatus showed up, dragging a captive Genestealer along. This mad genius set up a lab and started experimenting on the Genestealer, trying to cure the curse. He messed with its DNA, and things quickly spiraled out of control. The Genestealer’s psychic influence grew, leading to the birth of a Genestealer Cult in the hive.

The Great Catastrophe

When the cult was discovered, all hell broke loose. Lord Helmawr threw everything he had at the problem, from Planetary Defense Forces to the Imperial Fists, but nothing worked. Finally, Inquisitor Anneth Vestrix decided the only solution was to obliterate Hive Secundus. She had the orbital space station Eye of Selene rain down its devastating arsenal, creating a massive crater and sealing the area off with the Dust Wall.

But, surprise! The Patriarch survived, along with other pockets of infestation. Settlements cut off by the Dust Wall had to fend for themselves, eventually becoming Port Cities that now serve as entry points into the Abyss for treasure hunters and thrill-seekers.

A Deadly New Playground

Hive Secundus is now an insane mix of deadly radiation, gravitic forces, chemicals, and toxic gases. The Genestealers, now known as Malstrain, are warped versions of their former selves but still incredibly dangerous.

Successive Lord Helmawrs have kept this mess a secret to avoid the Imperium’s dreaded Exterminatus, turning the clean-up into a rite of passage for Spyrers of the Imperial House. These Spyrers don their high-tech suits and head into the Abyss to cull the Malstrain and keep the infestation under control.

Stay tuned for more lore, miniatures, and playstyles for the Spyre Hunters and Malstrain coming soon. This is Necromunda like you’ve never seen it – brutal, relentless, and absolutely epic. See you in the depths!

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