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Campaign in the Darkness of Hive Secundus

Alright, fellow underhive dwellers! Get ready to lock and load because Necromunda: Hive Secundus is dropping soon, and it’s time to descend into the Underhells like never before. This box set is packed with everything you need for an epic campaign, and trust me, you won’t want to miss it.

Campaign in a Box

This isn’t just a game – it’s a full-blown campaign. The 176-page rulebook includes all the core Necromunda rules (minus vehicles, because navigating those bottomless chasms is a no-go). You’ll dive into the lore of Hive Secundus and get set for a two-player campaign that’s all about plundering data crystals and surviving the deadliest hunts.

The Premise

You’ll be squaring off against the Arbitrator, who controls the infinite hordes of Malstrain Genestealers lurking in the Underhells. You, the opposing player, lead a Secundan Incursion Gang tasked with exploring the hive’s depths, snagging precious data crystals, and getting out alive. But it’s not just about the loot – you’ve got an Imperial House member in an Orrus hunting rig, ready to take on the Malstrain purely for the thrill of the hunt.

Campaign Structure

The campaign unfolds over six games separated by phases:

  1. Underhells Entry Phase: Break into Hive Secundus while the Malstrain start to sense your presence.
  2. Downtime: Heal your fighters, promote your juves, and trade data crystals for rare loot.
  3. Exploration Phase: Venture deeper into the hive, facing more dangers and finding more loot.
  4. Confrontation Phase: The final push into the deepest parts of the Underhells for the ultimate loot, culminating in a climactic battle against the Patriarch. Survive this, and it’s a rapid exfiltration back to safety.

High Stakes

Keep your fighters alive at all costs! Secundan Incursion Gangs have traveled through the Ash Wastes and the Secundun Exclusion Zone, so reinforcements are not an option. Each casualty hits hard, making every strategic decision critical.

Terrain and Visibility

Each game is fought in specific territories, with rewards for the winners and Malstrain Points for the Arbitrator to reinforce their forces. The double-sided playing mats show an intact hive floor on one side and a ruined shell on the other, complete with doors and barricades. The darkness is a constant threat – failing dome lumens mean visibility is low, and fighters outside visibility range are considered Hidden.

What’s in the Box?

You get a Van Saar gang of eight Tek-Hunters, two Orrus Spyre Hunters, and a Caryatid prime. Facing them are the Malstrain forces: eight Brood Scum, six Malstrain Genestealers, and four Tyramites. Plus, there’s even more goodness coming in the Book of Desolation, with advanced rules and new gang types for even more intense campaigns.

Final Thoughts

This box is the perfect intro to Necromunda’s rules, wrapped up in a tense, resource-limited campaign. Whether you’re here for the loot or the glory of the hunt, Hive Secundus promises thrills, chills, and epic battles in the dark depths of the Underhells.

So, ready your gear, charge your lumens, and prepare to face the terrors lurking below. Pre-order starts this Saturday – don’t miss out!

Happy hunting, and may your fighters always find their mark!

And remember, Frontline Gaming sells gaming products at a discount, every day in their webcart!

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