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Dive into Necromunda: The Book of Desolation!

Hey gang, if you’re a Necromunda fanatic like me, you’ll be pumped about the buzz coming out of Hive Secundus! Rumor has it, Spyrers are diving into xeno-infested ruins, and Lord Helmawr’s successor is on the hunt for some lost archaeotech. It’s a gold rush, and Necromunda’s gangs are gearing up for a wild ride in The Book of Desolation.

What’s New in The Book of Desolation?

This book is jam-packed with fresh content, focusing on the Secundan Abyss. It continues from the Necromunda: Hive Secundus boxed set, pushing multiplayer campaigns into the deep, dark depths of the Underhells. Here’s what you can expect:

  1. Four New Gang Rosters
    • Malstrain Gangs: These gangs are terrifying, bringing Broodmind’s horrific, mutated creatures into play. Picture hordes of Brood Scum and lethal Malstrain Genestealers tearing through your enemies.
    • Spyrer Hunting Parties: Usually lone predators, Spyrers are now banding together in small, deadly groups. These fighters are equipped with advanced tech and aim to rack up a high body count.
    • Secundan Incursion Gangs: Regular gangs can recruit a single Spyrer to bolster their ranks and tackle the Underhells’ toughest threats.
    • House Van Saar Tek-hunters: These specialist explorers are all about lost archaeotech. They bring unique skills and advanced equipment to the table.
  2. New Dramatis Personae
    • Meet terrifying characters like the Malstrain Alpha, Hermiatus the Second Son, and the revamped Lady Haera Helmawr. These powerhouses can massively impact your campaigns.
  3. Underhells Campaign System
    • This new narrative adventure is all about breaking through the Dust Wall, surviving the exclusion zone, and plundering Hive Secundus for fame, glory, and most importantly, riches.
    • Abyssal Ferrymen: Essential guides for crossing the exclusion zone, these customizable fighters come with a variety of weapons, wargear, and skills, including Custom Rig vehicles.

Gameplay Highlights

Stay Tuned for More

Keep an eye on Warhammer Community this week for a closer look at the Underhells Campaign rules and chats with the Necromunda team about Spyrers, miniature design, and all things Secundus.

If you’re as hyped as I am, grab The Book of Desolation and get ready to dive into the chaos of Hive Secundus. The riches await, and the battle for glory is on!

And remember, Frontline Gaming sells gaming products at a discount, every day in their webcart!

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