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First 4th Edition Age of Sigmar Faction Packs Are Available for Download!

Hey fellow Warhammer Age of Sigmar enthusiasts! Get ready to dive deep into the lore and rules of the Mortal Realms because the Faction Packs for every Order army are now available for download! Let’s break down what’s in store for us today and add some spicy commentary to get you hyped up.

The Stormcast Eternals: Sigmar’s Chosen Warriors

First up, we have the Stormcast Eternals. These guys are Sigmar’s immortal champions, reforged on the Anvil of Apotheosis. Imagine being a mortal hero, dying in battle, then being resurrected with god-like power and the ability to channel lightning. These warriors are the frontline against the forces of Chaos, and their Faction Pack is a must-have to harness their full potential.

The Cities of Sigmar: Mortal Might

Next, the Cities of Sigmar bring together mortal soldiers, engineers, and zealots. These are the folks who rely on strategy, grit, and unyielding faith. They might not have the divine spark of the Stormcast, but they make up for it with sheer determination and tactical prowess. Download their Faction Pack to get all the rules you need to lead these brave souls into battle.

The Kharadron Overlords: Sky Pirates with Firepower

The Kharadron Overlords are duardin (dwarf-like beings) who live among the clouds and follow an ironclad code of conduct. These guys are all about heavy firepower and fleets of airships. They’re the steampunk sky pirates of the Mortal Realms, always on the hunt for precious aether-gold. Their Faction Pack will arm you with all the rules you need to take to the skies and dominate the battlefield.

The Fyreslayers: Grimnir’s Fiery Descendants

Fyreslayers are the flame-haired duardin followers of Grimnir, searching for fragments of their god’s essence in ur-gold. These mercenaries and treasure hunters are tough as nails and ready to take on any challenge for the right price. Grab their Faction Pack to set these red-crested warriors loose on your foes.

The Idoneth Deepkin: Soul Hunters from the Deep

Idoneth Deepkin are mysterious aelven raiders from beneath the seas, always in need of fresh souls. They bring with them the magical aethersea and a host of abyssal creatures. Their sudden, tide-like assaults are as deadly as they are beautiful. The Faction Pack will give you all the tools you need to unleash these oceanic nightmares.

The Lumineth Realm-lords: Elemental Aelves

Lumineth Realm-lords are the creation of aelven gods Tyrion and Teclis, mastering both sorcery and martial skills. They commune with the elemental spirits of Hysh to cleanse the Mortal Realms. These high elves bring elegance and power to any battlefield. Their Faction Pack is essential for harnessing their full magical and combat potential.

The Daughters of Khaine: Bloodthirsty Aelves

Daughters of Khaine are the disciples of Morathi-Khaine, the new god of murder. These aelves are all about bloody sacrifices and treachery, yet they stand against Chaos. Their Faction Pack will arm you with the rules to bring these deadly warriors into your battles, but remember, they are allies to be mistrusted.

The Seraphon: Celestial Reptiles

Guided by the ancient Slann Starmasters, the Seraphon are reptilian warriors following the Great Plan of the Old Ones. They combine raw strength and celestial magic, making them a force to be reckoned with. Download their Faction Pack to command these celestial beings in your games.

The Sylvaneth: Forest Guardians

Sylvaneth are the spirits of the forest, led by Alarielle. They are fiercely protective of nature and sometimes clash with other factions of Order. Their verdant might is unparalleled, and their Faction Pack will give you everything you need to defend the Mortal Realms’ woodlands with vengeance.

Bonus: Stormcast Eternals Battletome Supplement

For all you Stormcast fans, there’s also a Battletome Supplement for the Sacrosanct Chamber and other miniatures. This includes new lore, a battle formation, and warscroll cards, which are Matched Play legal for one year. Don’t miss out on this additional resource!

Coming Up Next: Chaos Faction Packs

If you’re into something a bit darker, stay tuned for tomorrow’s release of the Chaos Faction Packs. It’s going to be just as exciting, if not more!

So, get downloading and prepare your armies! The battles in the Mortal Realms are about to get even more intense with these new resources at your disposal. Happy gaming!

And remember, Frontline Gaming sells gaming products at a discount, every day in their webcart!

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