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A New AoS App is on the Horizon!

Hey there, fellow Warhammer fans! The hype train for the new edition of Warhammer Age of Sigmar is speeding down the tracks, and guess what? We’re getting an awesome new app to go with it. Here’s the lowdown on everything this app brings to the table and why you should be excited.

Everything You Need in One Place

The app is a treasure trove of rules and resources, designed to make your life a whole lot easier. It’s got everything: Core Rules, Advanced Rules, and all those sweet free Faction Packs with Battle Traits, Battle Formations, Heroic Traits, Artefacts, Spells, Prayers, Manifestation Lores, and warscrolls. Plus, it includes each faction’s Spearhead rules and the Spearhead Fire and Jade Battlepack.

But wait, there’s more! You’ll also find all the Legends rules, warscrolls for Warcry and Warhammer Underworlds miniatures, Regiments of Renown, and rules for the Armies of Renown like those in the Dawnbringers series.

Instant Access to New Content

When a new battletome drops for your army, you can use a unique code from the book to unlock its content in the app. No more flipping through pages – you’ll have instant access to any new rules right at your fingertips.

Streamlined Army Building

The updated Storm Forge army planner is a game-changer. Selecting a hero for a regiment now gives you a pre-filtered list of eligible units, so no more cross-referencing other info. And adding Regiments of Renown? It’s a breeze with just a single click.

Free for a Limited Time

Mark your calendars – the app launches on July 15th, just after the in-store release of Skaventide. It’ll be free for a few weeks, giving you plenty of time to get to grips with the new rules. After that, some features will stay free, like creating one army list, while unlimited army building becomes part of the Warhammer+ subscription. The armies you build during the free period will stay available, so no worries there.

How to Get It

You can download the app from the App Store and Google Play on July 15th. Make sure to grab it then and dive into all the new content.

A Note on the Old App

The older 3rd Edition Warhammer: Age of Sigmar app will still be around, and you’ll have access to any redeemed content, but it won’t be getting any new updates. So, the new app is definitely where the action is.

Get ready, folks! This app is set to revolutionize how we play Warhammer Age of Sigmar. Whether you’re a veteran general or just starting your journey in the Mortal Realms, this is going to be your go-to tool for all things AoS. Happy gaming!

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