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AoS 4th Ed. – Blades of Khorne Preview

Hey there, fellow Warhammer enthusiasts! Let’s talk about Khorne, the Chaos God of wrath and the embodiment of rage and bloodlust in the Mortal Realms. This guy isn’t just about anger; he thrives on it, drawing power from every drop of blood spilled in battle. If you’re into relentless combat and carnage, Khorne’s your guy. Let’s break down what makes his followers tick and how they wreak havoc on the battlefield.

Khorne’s Creed: Blood and Skulls

Khorne’s philosophy is brutally simple: collect blood and skulls as tributes, fueling an endless cycle of violence. This grim creed means that whether you’re avenging a friend or fighting for glory, every kill powers up the Blood God. What’s unique about Khorne is his disdain for cowardice and sorcery – he values brute strength and direct combat. So, if you’re casting spells or indulging in luxuries, prepare to face his wrath.

Worship Through Violence

Khorne’s followers, from the savage Bloodbound to his fearsome daemons, don’t pray with words; they worship through acts of violence. This raw devotion earns them powerful blood-tinged miracles to crush their enemies and negate sorcery. The only way to please Khorne is through an unending stream of bloodshed, which often leads to his disciples turning on each other when enemies run out. Talk about dedication!

The Blades of Khorne

The Blades of Khorne are infamous for their destructive prowess. These war-hosts include immortal daemons and savage mortal warriors, feared for the sheer carnage they bring. Whether you’re leading a barbarian horde or a disciplined regiment, Khorne rewards all who shed blood in his name with unparalleled strength. Just keep the killing going.

Bloodbound: The Mortal Frenzy

The Bloodbound are Khorne’s mortal followers, living lives of brutal shortness dedicated to the Blood God. They don’t build cities; they leave behind only ruins and staging posts for further conquests. Their worship is the battlefield, and they give their lives willingly to ensure Khorne gets his blood offering.

Daemonic Forces

Khorne’s daemons are literal incarnations of rage, pouring into reality as rivers of boiling blood. Bloodthirsters, his chief daemons, are massive, winged horrors that relish in battle, seeking out the mightiest foes. These daemons, along with Bloodletters and Flesh Hounds, are driven by a singular goal: tear their enemies apart.

The Goretide

Among the Bloodbound, the Goretide is the most feared, led by the brutal warlord Korghos Khul. These guys have been a relentless storm of violence since the Age of Sigmar began, leaving Aqshy soaked in blood and littered with skulls. They’re a grim preview of what happens if Khorne’s forces go unchecked.

Battle Traits and Blood Tithe

Khorne’s armies have a unique mechanic called the Blood Tithe. Every unit destroyed in battle adds to this pool, which can be spent on powerful abilities. You can nullify spells with the Spelleater Curse, charge into combat out of turn with Murderlust, and even summon more Bloodthirsters with Slaughter Triumphant. Khorne doesn’t care where the blood comes from, just that it flows.

Mixed Armies and Formations

Khorne’s forces range from barbarian hordes to disciplined legionnaires. The Khornate Legion is a notable formation where mortal and daemonic forces fight side-by-side, enhancing each other’s brutality. Other formations might focus purely on daemonic resilience or mortal territorial dominance, each with their own strengths and strategies.

Sorcery? Not Here!

Khorne despises sorcery. Instead, his followers call upon Hexgorger Skulls to punish enemy spellcasters. These manifestations spill molten blood to disrupt and nullify spells, ensuring that brute force remains supreme on the battlefield.

Key Units

Gore Pilgrims and Skullcrushers

The Gore Pilgrims are roving bands led by Slaughterpriests, combining Blood Warriors, Bloodreavers, and Skullcrushers in a savage quest for blood. Skullcrushers are particularly tough, their Brass Stampede crushing enemies underfoot, making them formidable frontline units.

Spearhead Spotlight: The Bloodbound Gore Pilgrims

The Bloodbound Gore Pilgrims are a spearhead force that epitomizes Khorne’s insatiable thirst for blood and skulls. This roving warband, led by a fervent Slaughterpriest, charges into battle with the singular goal of carnage. Alongside the Slaughterpriest are Blood Warriors, Bloodreavers, and the mighty Skullcrushers, each driven by an unquenchable Murderlust that propels them into combat.

Unstoppable Fury

When units are destroyed, the power of the Blood Tithe bubbles up within them, becoming an all-consuming Murderlust that drives them into combat. The Bloodbound Gore Pilgrims exemplify this rage, ensuring that Heads Must Roll to satisfy Khorne’s demands. These warriors are relentless, their rage propelling them to greater feats of violence and ensuring Khorne’s endless appetite for blood is sated.

Brass Stampede

Mighty Skullcrushers live up to their name, their Brass Stampede shattering shields and bones alike as they charge into combat. Clad in hellforged iron, these cursed knights are some of the toughest forces in the Mortal Realms, able to stick around in combat and claim heads with their bloodglaives while shrugging off even the mightiest of blows.

Final Thoughts

Khorne’s forces in the new edition of Age of Sigmar are as ferocious as ever. Bloodthirsters are now true combat monsters, Bloodletters form a relentless tide, and Slaughterpriests are invaluable for generating Blood Tithe points. New formations like the Khornate Legion encourage mixed armies, making for dynamic and blood-soaked battles. If you love the thrill of close combat and the sight of blood, Khorne’s army is your calling.

So gear up, ready your axes, and get ready to spill some blood for the Blood God!

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