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AoS 4th – Sylvaneth Preview

Hey, fellow Warhammer Age of Sigmar enthusiasts! Let me take you on a deep dive into the world of the Sylvaneth, the vengeful forest spirits led by Alarielle the Everqueen. These guardians of nature are not just any army; they’re an embodiment of life’s wrath against the forces of decay and death.

Origins and Purpose

The Sylvaneth are the children of Alarielle, who survived the destruction of the World-that-Was and now channels divine power in the realm of Ghyran. Alarielle planted soulpods – essentially, aelven soulstuff – in fertile groves to bring her followers back to life. The Sylvaneth’s primary mission is to protect the natural world from any who seek to defile it, whether they be mortals or otherworldly invaders.

Unique Perspective

The Sylvaneth have a unique, almost alien perspective on life and warfare. They prioritize the sanctity of nature above all else, which can make them seem capricious or even amoral to their human allies. Alarielle herself is willing to allow mortal civilizations to thrive as long as they don’t upset the natural balance.

Eternal Struggle

The Sylvaneth are in a constant battle with the forces of Nurgle and Nagash. Nurgle seeks to turn Ghyran into a diseased wasteland, while Nagash’s Necroquake has shifted the balance of power towards death. In response, Alarielle has taken on her warlike aspect, leading her wargroves in relentless defense of their domains.

Society and Hierarchy

Sylvaneth society is bound by the spirit-song, a mystical melody that connects them all. Their hierarchy is instinctive, with Alarielle at the apex. They don’t build empires; instead, they form glades, which are gatherings of forest folk with a shared purpose, usually the defense of sacred woods. Their concept of history is cyclical, akin to the rings of an ancient oak, with experience and spiritual essence passed down through the lamentiri, a soulseed within each Sylvaneth.

Battle Ready

Trespassers beware! The Sylvaneth are quick to defend their territories. Even minor intrusions can rouse Dryads and Tree-Revenants, armed with thorned tendrils and spirit weapons. Their armies are led by powerful figures like the Lady of Vines and Betlhanos, a peerless hunter. Mighty Treelords, Kurnoth Hunters, and Gossamid Archers strike with speed and subtlety, often appearing from hidden paths to ambush their foes.

Battle Traits

In combat, the Sylvaneth leverage their Awakened Wyldwoods, which they can traverse using the Hidden Paths, allowing them to outmaneuver opponents. Their ability to Strike and Fade lets them penetrate enemy lines and then retreat to heal and regroup. The trees themselves provide nourishment, healing nearby units.

Strategic Formations

The Sylvaneth march to war in various formations, each playing to their strengths. From the powerful Treelords’ Healing Song to the swift and deadly elite cavalry, each unit has a role. Wizards among the Sylvaneth wield the Lore of the Deepwood, calling upon nature to unleash devastating spells and summon new Wyldwoods.

Alarielle the Everqueen

In the direst of battles, Alarielle herself may join the fray atop her Wardroth Beetle. She can heal allies, cast potent spells, and transform enemies into living forests with her power. Her Lifebloom ability allows her to heal or empower her magic, making her a formidable force on the battlefield.

Heroes and Units

Spearhead Spotlight

In Spearhead battles, the Sylvaneth channel different facets of Alarielle’s power to cleanse the land of corruption. The warlike Summer Aspect invigorates the warriors of the Bitterbark Copse. Treelords and Tree-Revenants, roused to anger by those who defile the realms, are shepherded by a Branchwych who directs their fury towards their foes.

These tree-kin make excellent use of the terrain, employing the Strike and Fade tactic at the end of a turn to reposition for surprise attacks or better angles. They can also call upon the healing power of the Ley Lines crisscrossing the realms to regenerate their forms.

The Kurnoth Hunters are giants among forest kin, relentless in their pursuit. With their greatbows, they can snipe foes from afar. As Envoys of the Everqueen, they provide a protective Ward (6+) to units contesting objectives, making them invaluable on the battlefield.

Final Thoughts

The Sylvaneth are a fascinating and formidable force in the Age of Sigmar, blending the mysticism of nature with the fury of war. Their ability to manipulate the battlefield with their Wyldwoods and their relentless defense of their sacred domains make them a unique and powerful army to play.

Whether you’re new to the game or a seasoned veteran, diving into the lore and tactics of the Sylvaneth will give you a fresh appreciation for the intricate world of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. So gather your wargroves, channel the spirit-song, and defend the Mortal Realms with the wrath of the Sylvaneth!

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