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AoS 4th – Slaves to Darkness Preview

Alright, fellow Warhammer enthusiasts, buckle up because the Slaves to Darkness are here to show everyone who’s boss in the Mortal Realms. These guys aren’t just your run-of-the-mill chaos followers; they’re the gritty descendants of regular folks who turned to the Ruinous Powers to survive the Age of Chaos. From the fierce Darkoath tribes led by stoic Chieftains to the heavily armored legions commanded by ruthless warlords, these warriors are out to overthrow the weak and claim dominion over the Mortal Realms.

The Rise of Chaos

Chaos didn’t just happen overnight. It took root when the God-king Sigmar got his butt kicked by Archaon and had to retreat to Azyr. The people left behind had no choice but to align with the Ruinous Powers, trading in their peaceful lives for a brutal existence of constant battle and survival. Now, in the Age of Sigmar, they’re watching the followers of Sigmar try to reclaim lands they lost centuries ago. But the Slaves to Darkness are here to remind them whose turf it really is.

Path to Glory

Every warrior in the Slaves to Darkness, from the lowest Darkoath tribesperson to the mightiest Chaos Lord, is on a journey known as the Path to Glory. This isn’t some easy path; it’s a climb littered with acts of violence and atrocities committed under the watchful eyes of the Chaos gods. Triumph brings great power and mutations, while failure can turn them into writhing masses of flesh. But those who truly excel might just become towering Daemon Princes, commanding vast warhosts in the name of chaos.

Archaon the Everchosen

At the pinnacle of chaos stands Archaon the Everchosen, the Grand Marshal of the Apocalypse. This guy is a big deal. He ended the World-that-Was and now wields relics of unimaginable power in the Mortal Realms, riding his daemonic steed Dorghar. He commands uncountable armies from his throne in the Varanspire, a massive fortress at the nexus of the eight realms. His legions are clad in hellforged steel, led by mighty champions who are either dedicated to Chaos Undivided or one of the four major Chaos gods.

The Dark Master Be’lakor

But Archaon isn’t the only big name in chaos. Be’lakor, the first daemon prince, has his own agenda. Denied the title of Everchosen, he’s been spreading sedition and turning some of Archaon’s elite bodyguard, the Varanguard, against their master. Be’lakor operates from the shadows, using his champion, Eternus, Blade of the First Prince, to lead his armies and further his intricate plots.

The Darkoath Tribes

Not all chaos followers worship the gods directly. The Darkoath tribes pledge oaths to spirits, which are actually minor aspects of the Ruinous Powers. These tribes are tough, self-reliant, and deeply connected to their kin. They fiercely protect their lands from the followers of Sigmar, whom they see as weaklings worshipping false gods.

Battle Traits and Gifts

In battle, the Slaves to Darkness fight under the watchful Eye of the Gods. At the end of each turn, victorious units can receive gifts from the Ruinous Powers. These gifts range from Mutative Regrowth, which heals them, to Slaughterer’s Might, which boosts their killing power. True Champions of Chaos can even choose their gifts, stacking them for maximum power.

Battle Formations and Strategies

The Slaves to Darkness aren’t just mindless brutes; they have diverse strategies for victory. The Godswrath Warband uses an Ironclad Onslaught to wear down their enemies, while other legions unite under warlords to claim enemy territories. Daemon Princes lead savage beasts with unnatural vitality, and Darkoath chieftains inspire their kin with fierce battle cries, flooding the battlefield with waves of reinforcements.

Arcane Powers and Unit Focus

Sorcerers who align with the Ruinous Powers gain access to powerful magic, like Daemonic Speed and the Dark Tongue, which curses enemies at a cost. Be’lakor, the Dark Master, is a master of treachery, using his Shadow Form to evade attacks and spring deadly traps.

Daemon Princes, often with wings or trophy racks, lead the charge with their unparalleled combat skills.

Chaos Knights, former nobility corrupted by chaos, ride into battle on powerful steeds with cursed lances. Their Impaling Charge is a terrifying sight, capable of skewering multiple enemies.

The Darkoath Marauders, on the other hand, are relentless in their pursuit of glory, willing to fight to the death for the favor of their dark patrons.

Spearhead Spotlight

Chaos Lords nearing the end of their Path to Glory take their best warriors on quests to perform spectacular acts of violence, aiming for daemonhood. The Bloodwind Legions, including Chaos Knights and Chariots, fight under the watchful Eye of the Gods, gaining powerful boons as they conquer objectives.

Final Thoughts

The Slaves to Darkness are a force to be reckoned with, whether under the banner of Archaon or Be’lakor. Their flexibility, power, and sheer variety make them a formidable faction in the Mortal Realms. So, if you’re ready to embrace chaos and lead your warband to glory, the Slaves to Darkness are waiting for you.

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