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AoS 4th – Hedonites of Slaanesh Preview

Alright, fellow Warhammer enthusiasts, get ready to dive deep into the decadence and danger of Slaanesh, the most alluring of the Chaos gods. Slaanesh’s allure lies in his promise of ultimate satisfaction through excess and temptation, driving his followers to ever greater heights of depravity. But let’s not get too comfortable—there’s a lot of dark, twisted lore to unpack here.

The Lure of Slaanesh

Slaanesh’s Domain and Captivity: Unlike his fellow Chaos gods, Slaanesh doesn’t chill in the Realms of Chaos. Instead, his throne in the Six Circles of Seduction is empty because he’s imprisoned in a twilight sub-realm called Uhl-Gysh, stuck between Hysh and Ulgu. This imprisonment isn’t a mystery—it’s the result of a well-executed trap by the aelven gods Teclis, Tyrion, and Malerion, and the sorceress Morathi. They used their own souls as bait to bind Slaanesh with chains of light and dark magic.

The Feast on Aelf-Souls: Before getting captured, Slaanesh had a feast on aelf-souls when the World-that-Was ended, making him more powerful than ever. His obsession with the perfection of aelven spirits was his undoing when the aelven gods banded together to trap him.

Slaanesh’s Influence in the Mortal Realms

Even in Captivity: Though imprisoned, Slaanesh’s influence still spreads. He thrives on excess, whether it’s a gourmand seeking extravagant flavors, an artist chasing sublime beauty, or a duelist perfecting their form. His followers, the Hedonites of Slaanesh, are always scheming and spreading chaos, ensuring their dark god’s power continues to grow.

Synessa and Dexcessa: Thanks to Morathi-Khaine’s meddling, the twin daemons Synessa and Dexcessa were released from Slaanesh’s gut, acting as living shards of their imprisoned master. They roam the realms, laying the groundwork for Slaanesh’s eventual return.

The Hedonites of Slaanesh

Carnivals of Carnality: The Hedonites are all about excess and debauchery. Lords of Pain and Hubris lead their Sybarite followers with arrogance, Blissbarb Archers fire poisoned arrows with grace, and Slickblade cavalry zoom across the battlefield. Heroes like Sigvald and Glutos Orscollion often join in, hoping to gain favor with their dark god.

Daemonettes and Chariots: Where the Hedonites tread, reality weakens, and daemons spill forth. Daemonettes promise pleasure even as they tear foes apart, and chariots with bladed wheels slice through regiments, turning the battlefield into a twisted paradise of ecstasy and violence.

Battle Traits and Formations

Excess of Depravity: Each battle round, the Hedonites can turn three units into Euphoric Killers, unleashing a frenzy of slaughter with powerful bonuses. But there’s a catch: the enemy gets temptation dice to turn the tide, which could result in mortal damage—a risky gamble.

Varied Warfare Styles: The Hedonites fight with reckless devotion and ecstatic fervor. Seeker cavalry chase foes at breakneck speeds, while Sybarites thrive on the agony of battle, and egotistical champions lead warriors to claim objectives in honor of their ever-perfect masters.

Arcana and Incantations

Lore of Extravagance: Slaanesh’s wizards weaponize emotions with spells like Sadistic Spite, driving allies into frenzied carnage. They can also bewilder enemies with illusions and weaken their defenses, making the battlefield a chaotic mess of sensation and confusion.

Key Units

Shalaxi Helbane: This Keeper of Secrets is obsessed with humbling Slaanesh’s enemies in single combat. With supernatural grace, Shalaxi dodges blows and seeks out the strongest foes, encouraging allies to fight with renewed ferocity.

Fiends and Twinsouls: Fiends exude a soporific musk that lulls enemies into a stupor, while Symbaresh Twinsouls, conjoined with daemons, exhibit fiendish reflexes and attack with escalating ferocity, overwhelming their foes.

Spearhead Spotlight

The Blades of the Lurid Dream: Led by a Shardspeaker, these warriors strike from clouds of intoxicating fog. The Temptations of Slaanesh can alter reality, offering enemies dice to fix rolls or inflict mortal damage, building up depravity points for powerful buffs.

Slickblade Seekers: Riding on trilling mounts, these warriors charge with unrivaled speed, their glaives slicing through foes with deadly precision.

Final Thoughts

So, whether you’re indulging in the dark delights of Slaanesh or facing off against these seductive foes, there’s a twisted thrill waiting on the battlefield. Embrace the excess, and may your battles be as decadent as they are deadly!

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