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AoS 4th – Lumineth Preview!

Alright, fellow Age of Sigmar enthusiasts, let’s dive into the luminous and complex world of the Lumineth Realm-lords! These aelves are the epitome of perfection, combining sharp swords and potent sorcery to drive out corruption and bring enlightenment to the Mortal Realms. But remember, every perfect gem has its flaws, and the Lumineth are no exception.

A Glimpse into History

Age of Myth Origins: The Lumineth Realm-lords hail from the Age of Myth, inheriting the lush Ten Paradises of Hysh and the profound wisdom of their creators, Tyrion and Teclis. They were all about excellence and prestige, constantly pushing the limits of magic and power.

The Fall – Ocari Dara: However, their ambition led to catastrophe. In their quest for ultimate sorcery, they triggered an arms race that shattered reality itself. This hubris made them easy prey for Slaanesh, the Chaos god of excess. The resulting civil war, known as the Ocari Dara or ‘Spirefall’, saw kin turning on kin with devastating magic, and daemons of Slaanesh poured into Hysh.

Redemption Through Teclis: Teclis saved his people by teaching them to commune with Hysh and temper their emotions. This spiritual discipline gave them a shot at redemption, turning their focus from domination to harmonious existence with the realm spirits.

Forces of Light

Vanari Core: The backbone of the Lumineth armies, the Vanari, fight with magically conductive sunmetal weapons. Their units include the swift Dawnriders, precise Auralan Sentinels, and steadfast Auralan Wardens, all working in perfect harmony.

Elemental Powerhouses: The Lumineth have specialized units inspired by the elements:

Scinari Spellcasters: At the pinnacle of their forces are the Scinari, master spellcasters who unleash beams of searing light and magical might. They are the keystone of any Lumineth warhost, enhancing their allies and devastating their foes.

Battle Traits and Tactics

Lightning Reactions: In combat, the Lumineth can activate two units in a row, making them incredibly responsive. Each battle round, they can also invoke a Facet of War, boosting their combat effectiveness based on their specific disciplines.

Facet of War Examples:

Battle Formations and Arcane Might

Warhosts: Lumineth warhosts combine different warrior types to strike in synchronized fashion. The Alarith Temple formation, for instance, can use two Facets of War simultaneously, emphasizing their unyielding nature.

Sanctum of Amyntok: When under heavy fire, Lumineth spellcasters can summon the Sanctum of Amyntok, a protective ritual circle that provides a WARD save and enhances their magical reach and power.

Heroes and Legends

Ellania and Ellathor: These twin prodigies are champions of Teclis and Tyrion, echoing their mentors’ skills. Ellania boosts their spellcasting prowess, while Ellathor excels in combat. They fight with an aetherquartz sword from Tyrion’s arsenal, showcasing their exceptional power.

Sevireth, Lord of the Seventh Wind: One of the mightiest aelementors, Sevireth brings Searing Desert Winds to battle, dealing mortal damage and blinding enemies. His swift movements make him nearly untouchable by ranged attacks.

Vanari Auralan Wardens: These disciplined warriors form phalanxes that blunt enemy charges, striking first and creating a Wall of Blades to repel attackers, especially effective against cavalry.

Spearhead Spotlight: The Glittering Phalanx

Surgical Strike Force: The Glittering Phalanx is a precision force of Vanari Auralan Wardens, Bladelords, and Sentinels, led by a Scinari Cathallar. This formation focuses on subtlety and precision, using their signature Facets of War to enhance their weapons and outmaneuver opponents.

Elite Vanari Bladelords: These Swordmasters strike with meticulous synergy, ensuring their Cathallar can perform purifying rituals uninterrupted, making them a formidable force on the battlefield.


The Lumineth Realm-lords offer a rich blend of lore and tactical depth, with their quest for redemption and perfection making them a compelling faction in Age of Sigmar. Whether you’re drawn to their intricate history, their harmonious battle strategies, or their dazzling units, the Lumineth are a force of light worth exploring in the Mortal Realms. Get ready to illuminate the battlefield and strive for excellence with every move!

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