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AoS 4th Ed – Ossiarch Bonereapers Preview

Hey, fellow Age of Sigmar fans! Let’s talk about the latest and greatest – the Ossiarch Bonereapers, the elite soldiers of Nagash, the God of Undeath. If you’re into playing a relentless, undead army that’s all about precision and discipline, you’re going to love these guys. Let’s dive into what makes them so terrifyingly awesome.

The Grim Legions of Undeath

The Ossiarch Bonereapers are Nagash’s masterwork – reanimated bone soldiers crafted through dark magic, each one a perfect blend of multiple souls. They’re created to be absolutely loyal, with no room for dissent. These guys are marching death machines, conquering realms and enforcing the bone-tithe – a creepy tax on skeletal materials used to create more soldiers. Miss the tithe, and they’ll take it by force. There’s no escaping the bone-tithe, folks.

Overview of Command

Nagash’s empire is vast and ruled by his council of Mortarchs, who command a variety of undead creatures. But these underlings are often petty and ambitious, causing chaos within the ranks. Nagash’s solution? The Ossiarch Bonereapers. These soldiers are built to follow orders to the letter, made from armored bones and powered by the souls of warriors already under Nagash’s control.

Meet the Big Boss: Orpheon Katakros

Nagash’s chosen general is Orpheon Katakros, a military genius who once fought against Nagash but eventually pledged loyalty for eternal service. After being freed from imprisonment, Katakros now commands the Ossiarch Bonereapers with ruthless precision. His legions are like a well-oiled machine, each unit a cog in a deadly engine of war.

The Mortisan craft-priests maintain and build these soldiers, even joining battles to repair troops and create new ones from fallen enemies. Talk about recycling!

Relentless Battle Tactics

The Bonereapers fight with Relentless Discipline, following commands in a super-organized manner. During the Movement, Charge, and Combat phases, they have specific abilities to choose from:

This flexibility allows for a highly tactical approach, where picking the right ability at the right time can turn the tide of battle.

Battle Formations

There are four main Battle Formations to structure your army:

  1. Mortisan Council: Enhances casting rolls with their Necrotic Symphony.
  2. Mortek Crawler Artillery: Fortified positions to obliterate key targets.
  3. Tireless Cavalry: Swift units to hit hard and fast.
  4. Endless Waves of Mortek Guard: Grind down the enemy with sheer numbers.

Arcana and Incantations

Their weapons are imbued with Shyishan magic, capable of devouring souls. Key spells include:

Key Units

Tithe-Reaper Echelon

When persuasion fails, the Tithe-Reaper Echelon steps in to collect bones and souls by force. These units excel at wearing down enemies, making it easier for Mortisan Soulreapers to claim their bounty. Mortek Guards pin enemies down while Kavalos Deathriders deliver devastating charges.

Looking Ahead

Next week, we’ll shift focus to the deadly covens of Witch Aelves and Scáthborn serving Morathi-Khaine. Stay tuned!

So, there you have it – the Ossiarch Bonereapers in all their grim glory. Ready to crush your foes under a tide of disciplined undead? Get your forces ready and let the bone-tithe commence!

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