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AoS 4th Ed. – Maggotkin of Nurgle Preview

Hey fellow Warhammer Age of Sigmar warriors! Ready to dive into the delightfully disgusting world of Nurgle, the Plague God? Strap in, because this ride is filled with decay, disease, and a whole lot of jolly corruption.

The Grandfather of Rot

Nurgle, also known as “Grandfather,” is the merry harbinger of decay and disease. His cheerful demeanor contrasts with the filth and pestilence he spreads. Nurgle embodies the cycle of life and death: what rots today will sprout new life tomorrow in the form of molds, maggots, and plagues. His followers, immune to pain and despair, are seen as blessed, their swollen, diseased bodies carrying feverish power and protection.

The Maggotkin of Nurgle

When Nurgle’s followers march to war, they bring with them the Garden of Nurgle – a putrid realm of life and decay. These armies, known as the Maggotkin of Nurgle, spread rot and ruin across the Mortal Realms. Their diseased forms make them incredibly tough to kill, lumbering forward amid swarms of flies and tolling bells, poisoning everything in their path.

Power in Despair

Nurgle’s strength waxes and wanes with the cycles of despair and decay. The more hopeless and disease-ridden the Mortal Realms, the stronger Nurgle becomes. His power peaks in the aftermath of wars and epidemics, feeding off the collective despair and fear of disease.

Battle Traits and Tactics

The Maggotkin are blessed by Nurgle, making them walking incubators of deadly maladies. Here’s how they play:

Battle Formations and Units

The Maggotkin armies are not just tough; they bring a variety of nasty formations and units to the table:

Arcana and Spells

Nurgle’s sorcerers wield powerful spells that manipulate the cycle of life and death:

Iconic Units

Playstyle and Strategy

Playing the Maggotkin of Nurgle is all about strategic placement and spreading disease. Create danger zones with your infected units, forcing your opponent to make tough choices. Hold objectives with your tough-as-nails units and use your disease-spreading abilities to wear down your enemies over time.

Spearhead Spotlight

In the Spearhead setup, the Maggotkin unleash the Bleak Host, led by a Spoilpox Scrivener. This formation includes resilient units like Pusgoyle Blightlords and Plaguebearers, protected by a Ward (5+). Attrition is the key here – whittle down your enemies with relentless disease and outlast them on the battlefield.

So, there you have it! The Maggotkin of Nurgle are all about resilience, strategic infection, and turning the battlefield into a rotting, diseased mess that your opponents will struggle to survive. Get ready to spread Grandfather Nurgle’s gifts and watch your enemies wither away!

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