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AoS 4th – Fyreslayers Preview

Hey, Warhammer Age of Sigmar fans! Buckle up because we’re diving deep into the molten heart of the Mortal Realms with the Fyreslayers! These fiery dwarven warriors are all about honoring their fallen god Grimnir and harnessing the raw power of ur-gold. Let’s break it down!

The Epic Tale of Grimnir

In the Age of Myth, Grimnir, the duardin deity, went out with a literal bang after an epic showdown with Vulcatrix, the Mother of Salamanders. Their clash caused a pyroclastic explosion, spreading Grimnir’s divine soul across the eight realms and creating ur-gold, a magical material that’s super important to the Fyreslayers.

Who Are the Fyreslayers?

The Fyreslayers are a fierce and devout duardin faction, organized into warrior-cults known as clan-lodges. They hunt for ur-gold fragments, aiming to gather enough to potentially resurrect Grimnir. Their Zharrgrim forge-priests craft runes from ur-gold, embedding them into the flesh of their warriors to channel Grimnir’s power and unleash berserk rage during battles. Picture a bunch of angry dwarves, eyes blazing and skin smoldering – that’s the Fyreslayers in action!

The Lodges

Each Fyreslayer lodge is a formidable fortress called a magmahold, often built into a volcano. They’re ruled by a Runefather or Fyrequeen, and within these lodges, you’ll find forge-temples managed by the Zharrgrim priesthood. These priests not only handle ur-gold but also maintain magmadroth hatcheries – yep, those terrifying fire-lizards the Fyreslayers ride into battle.

Battle Traits and Runes

When the Fyreslayers hit the battlefield, their runes come to life, granting them powerful abilities. They have five ur-gold rune abilities to choose from, each usable once per battle. Here’s the lowdown:

Arcane Power and Divine Blessings

The Zharrgrim priests are masters of elemental flame and ur-gold runecraft. They can invoke blessings like the Prayer of Ash, which protects units by shrouding them in divine barriers that blunt enemy attacks.

Elite Units

The Auric Runefather on Magmadroth is a sight to behold, leading his warriors with fiery fury. He can inspire allies, giving extra attacks to all melee weapons within 12”.

The Auric Runemasters are the high priests who can chant prayers to invoke Grimnir’s blessings, generating magmic power tokens to boost runic abilities.

Hearthguard Berzerkers

These elite bodyguards protect the lodge’s royal family with unwavering duty. Their two-handed berzerker broadaxes can cleave through even the toughest foes, and if their charge is wounded, they strike back with increased fury.

Magmic Beasts

When things get tough, the Zharrgrim can summon a Molten Infernoth, an elemental beast that disrupts enemy formations with lava and fiery wrath, making the battlefield a searing hellscape for their foes.

Strategic Formations

Fyreslayer lodges organize into various battle formations:

Spearhead Spotlight: Saga Axeband

A Saga Axeband is a group of eager duardin seeking glory. Comprising four bands of Vulkite Berzerkers led by a Battlesmith bard, these warriors charge into battle, ready to make their mark. The Battlesmith protects them with the Icon of Grimnir, ensuring their bravery is immortalized in the lodge’s legends.

Final Thoughts

Fyreslayers are all about rage, fire, and honor. Whether you’re embedding ur-gold runes into your warriors or summoning molten beasts to wreak havoc, playing the Fyreslayers is a blazing hot experience. Next up, we’ll be plunging into the depths to explore the Idoneth Deepkin, so stay tuned!

Get ready to light up the battlefield with the Fyreslayers and honor Grimnir’s legacy with every swing of your axe. For Grimnir! For the ur-gold! For glory!/fu

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