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AoS 4th Ed – Flesh Eater Courts Preview

Alright, fellow Warhammer warriors, grab a seat and let’s dive into the twisted world of the Flesh-eater Courts! These guys are the stuff of nightmares, deluded into thinking they’re noble knights on a righteous quest. In reality, they’re ghastly cannibals driven mad by a curse. Let’s get into the gory details!

The Dark Origins

These so-called “knights” are actually sallow-skinned cannibals under a terrible delusion, courtesy of their liege Ushoran, the Mortarch of Delusion. They see themselves as gallant warriors, but their enemies only hear guttural howls and witness their horrific reality – gruesome fiends draped in gore, wielding festering weapons, and raising banners of flayed flesh. Talk about a nightmare!

Ushoran: The Mortarch of Delusion

Ushoran, once a noble Mortarch, is now the source of this curse. Imprisoned by Nagash in the Shroudcage, he eventually escaped, spreading his madness across the realms. Those who drank his blood became twisted vampires, establishing their own courts filled with deranged retainers – judges, clergy, and executioners, all drenched in blood and delusion.

Ghoul Patrols and Military Doctrine

Despite their madness, the Flesh-eater Courts have some form of military structure. The Ghoul Patrols consist of Crypt Ghouls hunting in packs, performing synchronized strikes. Other formations include the Lords of the Manor, rallying more soldiers, and the Royal Menagerie, unleashing ferocious monsters to wreak havoc on the battlefield.

Feeding Frenzy

Heroes in the Flesh-eater Courts prove their worth through Noble Deeds – injuring foes, casting spells, or invoking miracles. These acts inspire their underlings into a Feeding Frenzy, a brutal manifestation of their delusion where they rip apart enemies with renewed vigor. This shared madness keeps the courts functioning as a terrifying, cohesive force.

Corpsemare Stampede

The abhorrant vampires wield powerful necromantic magic. One standout spell, the Corpsemare Stampede, unleashes undead horses to trample enemies, dealing mortal damage to anything in their path. Imagine the chaos as a horde of ghostly steeds crashes through enemy lines!

Ushoran in Battle

When Ushoran steps onto the battlefield, it’s game over for his enemies. His presence warps reality, making even the bravest warriors question their sanity. His Shroudcage Fragment forces enemies to strike last, and his Glimpse of Delusion turns foes against each other. Ushoran’s power amplifies the Feeding Frenzy, pushing his followers to new heights of ferocity.

Marrowscroll Heralds and Cryptguard

Ushoran’s envoys, the Marrowscroll Heralds, carry bones filled with infected marrow. These are seen as sacred by the deluded ghouls but bring madness to those who accept them. The Cryptguard act as bodyguards, shielding their abhorrant masters with fanatical devotion and toxic weapons that shatter the sanity of their foes.

Royal Zombie Dragons

Soaring above the battlefield, Royal Zombie Dragons unleash terror from the skies. Their Loathsome Descent sends enemies into disarray, making them a formidable force that complements the ground troops perfectly.

Spearhead Spotlight

In smaller skirmishes, the Flesh-eater Courts still bring their A-game. Questing Abhorrant Archregents lead their Carrion Retainers into battle, performing Noble Deeds to inspire their knights and serfs into a Feeding Frenzy. The Morbheg Knights, with their grisly lances and Predator’s Pounce, provide the main punch, darting in and out of combat with lethal grace. Meanwhile, the Cryptguard ensure the heroes stay protected, making this retinue incredibly tough to beat.

Final Thoughts

The Flesh-eater Courts are a chilling faction, combining horrifying delusion with brutal effectiveness. Whether you’re leading a horde of Crypt Ghouls or unleashing the fury of a Royal Zombie Dragon, these cannibalistic knights bring a unique and terrifying presence to any battle. So, get ready to embrace the madness and let the Feeding Frenzy begin!

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