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Hernkyn Yaegirs Killteam Preview!

Hey fellow Kill Team commanders! If you’re as hyped about the Leagues of Votann as I am, then you’re going to love diving into the Hernkyn Yaegirs. These elite scouts are all about infiltrating enemy lines, causing chaos, and snagging those valuable resources before anyone else can get their grubby hands on them. Let’s break down why these guys are the go-to choice for your spec ops missions.

Who Are the Hernkyn Yaegirs?

The Hernkyn Yaegirs are the scouts and saboteurs of the Leagues of Votann. They’re the first to land on a newly discovered resource and are tasked with holding it until the main force arrives. Unlike their Hearthkyn comrades, these guys are built for speed and agility. They rock flexible void suits under their longcoats, which are packed with all sorts of survival gear, ammo, and explosives. These longcoats not only keep them warm in nasty environments but also give them a rugged, badass look that screams “we mean business.”

Armament and Gear

When it comes to weapons, the Yaegirs are geared up for close-quarters combat. They carry short-ranged bolt weapons and plasma knives, perfect for fighting in tight spaces like dense terrain or bombed-out ruins. But don’t count them out in open firefights! Their best marksmen carry heavy magna-coil rifles for picking off enemies from a distance with deadly precision.

Each Yaegir is a one-man army, loaded with explosives and tools. Ironbraeks in the squad are experts at laying minefields and fortifying positions, while Trackers come equipped with pan-spectral visors and handbows that shoot specialized, silenced bolts – perfect for hunting down hidden foes.

Tactics and Playstyle

These guys are masters of guerrilla warfare. They can infiltrate enemy lines, set traps, and cause all kinds of mayhem before slipping away like ghosts. In a game of Warhammer 40,000, they can use their scouting skills to get up close and personal with the enemy, unleash a devastating shotgun barrage, and then vanish before the enemy knows what hit them. This makes them invaluable for spec ops missions where you need a unit that can handle anything thrown at them and still come out on top.

Game Integration

You can get your own squad of Hernkyn Yaegirs in the upcoming Kill Team: Termination, available for pre-order this Saturday. And if you’re itching to add them to your Leagues of Votann army in Warhammer 40,000, you’re in luck! You can download the updated Leagues of Votann index right now and start planning your strategy.

Final Thoughts

The Hernkyn Yaegirs bring a fresh, tactical edge to the Leagues of Votann. Whether you’re playing Kill Team or Warhammer 40,000, these elite scouts will add a layer of strategy and versatility to your force. Their ability to adapt, infiltrate, and wreak havoc on the enemy makes them a must-have for any serious commander. So gear up, plan your tactics, and get ready to unleash the Yaegirs on the battlefield!

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