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Aos 4th Ed. – Disciples of Tzeentch Preview

Alright, fellow Warhammer Age of Sigmar fans, let’s dive into the madness that is Tzeentch and his Disciples. This isn’t your average chaos worshipper situation – we’re talking about the ultimate schemer, the god of change and magic himself, Tzeentch, and his ever-shifting minions.

The Architect of Fate: Tzeentch

First up, let’s talk about the big boss – Tzeentch. This guy isn’t just about raw destruction; he’s the puppet master of the cosmos, always plotting and scheming from his hellish domain in the Realms of Chaos. If there’s a coup brewing or a wizard getting a little too ambitious, you can bet Tzeentch has his fingers in that pie. His promises of power and evolution are as alluring as they are dangerous, often leading to some pretty gnarly mutations.

The Disciples of Tzeentch

Now, the Disciples of Tzeentch – these are the folks (and daemons) who have bought into Tzeentch’s chaotic vision. When the call to arms sounds, these guys don’t just march – they erupt into reality, bringing fire and transformation with them. Think daemons that can twist reality and mortals who unleash arcane chaos on the battlefield. Their goal? Keep the universe in a state of constant flux, making sure Tzeentch always has the upper hand.

Battle Traits

One of the coolest aspects of playing the Disciples of Tzeentch is the Destiny Dice. You get nine dice (Tzeentch’s sacred number), which you can use to replace any roll during the game. This means you can ensure your critical spells hit home or your units dodge that crucial hit. It’s all about manipulating fate to your advantage.

Battle Formations

With near-limitless power, Tzeentch’s armies can take many forms. The Wyrdflame Host is all about showering foes in mutating fire, while Arcanite cabals focus on countering enemy spells and launching their own. There’s also the ability to call in warflocks of Tzaangors, keeping the enemy guessing.

Units and Formations

Let’s break down some of the key units and formations:

Masters of Magic and Mutation

Tzeentch’s followers are all about that magic life. They’ve got two main spell lores:

Notable Characters

Spearhead Spotlight: Fluxblade Coven

In Spearhead, the Fluxblade Coven leads the charge. With a Magister on Disc ensuring that Flamers of Tzeentch hit their mark and Kairic Acolytes enhancing their sorcerous attacks, this formation is all about precision and chaos combined.


So, whether you’re summoning daemons, manipulating fate with Destiny Dice, or unleashing a hail of magical attacks, playing the Disciples of Tzeentch is all about embracing chaos and change. It’s a wild ride, filled with unpredictable magic and strategic manipulation, perfect for those who love a bit of arcane trickery and complex schemes in their battles. Get ready to twist fate itself on the battlefield and keep your enemies guessing!

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