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AoS 4th – Kharadron Overlords Preview

Alright, fellow adventurers, strap on your aether-goggles and hoist the sails, because we’re diving into the high-flying world of the Kharadron Overlords! If you love the idea of steampunk dwarfs cruising the skies in heavily armed airships, then this faction is right up your alley. Let’s break down why these airborne privateers are one of the coolest (and wealthiest) factions in the Mortal Realms.

From Mountain Holds to Sky Ports

The Kharadron Overlords are descendants of the ancient Khazalid Empire, who decided that living under mountains just wasn’t cutting it anymore, especially when the Age of Chaos rolled in. With Chaos forces pushing them out, these innovative duardin (that’s dwarf for you non-Dwarven speakers) took to the skies in incredible airships. They left behind their old ways and embraced a life of adventure, profit, and cutting-edge aether-gold technology.

Skyfarers and Their Code

These skyfarers are everywhere, from trading in the Cities of Sigmar to mining precious aether-gold floating in the sky like glittering clouds. They’re adventurers and swashbucklers at heart, but they still follow a strict code of laws. Wealth is the ultimate goal, but everything is done by the book – a very detailed book with lots of artycles and amendments to keep business fair and square.

War from the Clouds

When it’s time to go to war, the Kharadron Overlords don’t mess around. They send out massive armadas filled with Arkanaut troops and bristling with firepower. Their weapons are some of the best in the realms, capable of stopping hordes of Chaos, Death, and Destruction with thunderous volleys from the clouds. Imagine a sky filled with airships, each one raining down destruction – that’s a sight to behold!

Ingenious Innovation

When Chaos came knocking, the duardin of the Realm of Metal knew they had to innovate to survive. They ditched old traditions, created steam-powered war engines, and took to the skies. Their new civilization was built on floating platforms, powered by the magical substance known as aether-gold. They became masters of the skies, using their advanced technology to gather wealth and defend against threats.

The Arsenal and Airships

The backbone of the Kharadron forces is their naval crews. These Arkanaut Companies are tough fighters, motivated by contracts that ensure they get a share of the loot. Whether leaping into melee or defending a valuable cache, they’re always ready for action.

Their airships are engineering marvels, kept aloft by spherical endrins humming with aether-gold. The Arkanaut Frigate is the workhorse – fast, flexible, and armed to the teeth. It can transport troops and unleash devastating firepower, making it a versatile and deadly tool on the battlefield.

Battle Traits and Tactics

Mobility is key for the Kharadron Overlords. Their airships can transport troops to strategic points, but placement is crucial since they can’t move the same turn they’re deployed. This opens up a ton of tactical options, allowing you to swoop down and hit hard when it counts. Skyvessels can start the game flying high and descend at the right moment to unleash their firepower, making them a nightmare for enemies to pin down.

Battle Formations

Kharadron Admirals have plenty of tricks up their sleeves. In rare cases, they might find themselves working with the Endrineers Guild, which can be a bit annoying for profit-focused captains but comes with perks. The Guild’s Special Procurement allows you to pick a second artefact of power, giving you an edge against your opponent.

These artefacts are pretty sweet. For instance, the Drakk-Hobbler Mag-bolas can stop a charging monster in its tracks, while the Celestium Burst Grenade nullifies wards, making it easier to take down big threats. Voidstone Orbs can unbind enemy spells, giving you a crucial defense against magic.

Heroes and Units

Brokk Grungsson, the Lord-Magnate of Barak-Nar, is a force to be reckoned with. He’s a rich duardin who loves to lead from the front, his warsuit packed with weapons. He inspires his troops and commands the fleet with precision, making him a valuable leader.

The Arkanaut Frigate is the backbone of your fleet, perfect for transport and combat. It can ram enemies and deploy troops for shock assaults. Skywardens are the airborne defenders, fast and deadly with their skypikes and vulcaniser pistols. They’re also masters of explosive sky-mines, retreating unscathed while enemies are caught in blasts.

Grundstok Thunderers are elite sharpshooters, expensive but worth every aether-gold. They excel in ranged combat and can hold their ground with mortars and cannons, even at close range.

The Studio’s Take

Sam from the studio highlights the streamlined gameplay for skyvessels, making it easier to move and transport troops without constant checks. This keeps your models in play and enhances the overall battle experience.

Spearhead Spotlight

The Skyhammer Task Force is a unique formation, led by a seasoned Admiral and featuring a flying war machine. The Arkanaut Frigate is the lynchpin, transporting Arkanaut Companies and providing critical firepower. Mobility and strategic deployment are key, ensuring you maximize your firepower and stay ahead of the enemy.

So, if you’re looking for a faction that combines the thrill of adventure with cutting-edge technology and a touch of sky-pirate swagger, the Kharadron Overlords are your ticket to the high skies and high profits! Get ready to dominate the Mortal Realms from above and show those landlubbers what true innovation looks like.

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