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New AoS – Lord Vigilant Preview

Alright, Age of Sigmar fans, get hyped! With the new edition rolling in, Sigmar is throwing down the gauntlet against the relentless Skaven threat by opening up a new chamber. Welcome the Ruination Chamber, a specialized group of Stormcast Eternals ready to face the nastiest environments and enemies, especially those sneaky ratfolk popping out from the Blight City.

The Ruination Chamber: Who Are They?

Meet the Lord-Vigilants

Strategic Edge Against the Skaven

The Skaven Threat


The new edition of Age of Sigmar is bringing some serious heat. The Ruination Chamber, led by the formidable Lord-Vigilants, is set to be a game-changer in the fight against the Skaven. Their combination of raw power, tactical prowess, and near-immunity to dark magic makes them an exciting addition to the Stormcast Eternals’ lineup. Get ready to see these elite warriors lay waste to the ratfolk and take control of the battlefield with their unique abilities and unyielding resolve.

So, polish your miniatures, strategize your deployments, and prepare for the epic battles to come. The Ruination Chamber is here to turn the tide in Sigmar’s favor!

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