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Aos 4th Ed. – Gloomspite Gits Preview

Hey, fellow Warhammer enthusiasts! The Gloomspite Gitz are back and as chaotic as ever in the new edition of Age of Sigmar. If you thought they were just a bunch of cowardly grots, think again. These little terrors, along with their fungal friends and troggoth brutes, are ready to wreak havoc across the Mortal Realms. Let’s dive into the madness!

Under the Bad Moon

The Gloomspite Gitz are united under the ominous Bad Moon, a malevolent planetoid that drifts through the void, spreading chaos and destructive magic wherever it goes. When the Bad Moon’s eerie light shines down, it drives the Gitz into a frenzy known as the Gloomspite. Picture hordes of grots, squigs, troggoths, and spider-riding maniacs pouring out of dank caverns and charging into battle. It’s pure pandemonium.

The Grots: Small but Savage

Don’t let their size fool you—these grots are vicious. They might be cowardly on their own, but in large numbers, they’re a force to be reckoned with. Their cruelty and cunning make them dangerous opponents. When the Bad Moon’s light hits, they become even more powerful, emboldened on objectives and ready to unleash a world of hurt on their enemies.

Squigs and Troggoths: The Heavy Hitters

Squigs are the Gitz’s secret weapon—bouncing balls of teeth and rage that can turn the tide of battle. Whether they’re tiny gnashers or massive behemoths, these guys are all about causing chaos. The Squigalanche formation is especially devastating, with these little monsters generating extra attacks on the charge.

Troggoths, on the other hand, are the tanky bruisers of the Gitz army. With rock-hard hides and the ability to regenerate wounds, they’re perfect for holding the line and smashing through enemy ranks. Plus, their thick skins get even tougher under the Bad Moon’s light.

Arachnophiles Rejoice: The Spiderfang Riders

If you’re into creepy-crawlies, the Spiderfang Riders are your jam. These guys ride giant spiders that tear holes through reality, spreading venom and fear. Their poison becomes even more potent under the Bad Moon, making them a deadly force on the battlefield.

Sneaky and Scheming: The Grots’ Devious Tactics

The Gloomspite Gitz aren’t just about brute force. They’re master schemers, too. The Shamans channel the power of Gorkamorka to unleash devastating spells like Sneaky Distraction, which makes enemies less accurate in combat. This is especially handy since grots typically have pretty flimsy armor.

Skragrott the Loonking is the ultimate grot leader, wearing a fungal crown that lets him predict (or control) the Bad Moon’s path. His spells and abilities, like Fangz of Da Bad Moon, bring down lunar shards on foes, and his Babbling Wand ensures quick redeployments.

Battle Formations and Strategies

The Gloomspite Gitz can field a variety of formations to suit different playstyles. Want to swarm the enemy with a horde of grots? Go for the Moonclan Grots. Need some heavy hitters? Deploy the troggoths. Looking for fast, aggressive cavalry? Squigs are your best bet.

The Bad Moon Madmob is a quintessential Gloomspite Gitz force, featuring a mix of grots, squigs, and troggoths all working together under the Bad Moon’s eerie light. This formation provides a versatile and chaotic army that can adapt to any situation on the battlefield.

The Word from the Studio

Jimbo from the studio says it best: “Gloomspite Gitz are a vast horde army that can call upon a variety of different unit styles to deal with any threat your opponent presents. There’s something here for everyone, whether you prefer swarming with grots, smashing with troggoths, or bouncing into battle with squigs.”

Final Thoughts

The Gloomspite Gitz are an unpredictable, chaotic force in Age of Sigmar. Their connection to the Bad Moon and their diverse units make them a versatile and fun army to play. Whether you’re scheming with grots, rampaging with squigs, or smashing with troggoths, the Gitz bring a unique blend of madness and mayhem to the battlefield. Get ready for some wild and wacky battles with these pint-sized terrors!

Stay tuned for more updates, and keep your eyes peeled for the next spotlight on the ethereal Nighthaunt!

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