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Free Age of Sigmar Chaos Warscrolls!

Hey there, fellow Age of Sigmar fans! Let’s dive into the latest updates that are causing a buzz in the Mortal Realms. You know that scratching sound you hear? That’s right, it’s the Skaven getting ready to swarm! But before they take over, we’ve got some epic chaos action to talk about with the final days of the current edition of Age of Sigmar.

Dawnbringers: Book VI – Hounds of Chaos

Alright, so here’s the deal. The Twin-Tailed Crusade has been a massive journey, and both paths—Verdigris in Ghyran and Embergaard in Aqshy—have reached their destinations. But it’s not all sunshine and rainbows; chaos is about to rain down hard. The forces of chaos, led by Archaon’s lieutenant and the Darkoath tribes, are ready to smash Sigmar’s landgrabbers to pieces.

Free Warscrolls: Chaos Unleashed

If you’re itching to wreck some Sigmarite plans, we’ve got free warscrolls for the new miniatures dropping with Hounds of Chaos. These include some serious powerhouses like Abraxia, the Spear of the Everchosen, and Gunnar Brand with his Oathbound warriors.

Abraxia: The Spear of the Everchosen

Abraxia is a total beast! As a Warrior of the First Circle of Varanguard, she’s a shining example of what the Path to Glory offers. She can issue the same command twice in a phase, provided a Varanguard unit gets each one. Her spear, Gorbolga, is a varanite weapon gifted by Archaon, pulsing with mutative power. It’s a double-edged sword though—it can either enhance Abraxia’s strength or inflict devastating wounds on her foes.

Gunnar Brand and the Darkoath Tribes

Now, let’s talk about the gritty Darkoath Tribes. These guys don’t have fancy daemonic weapons or mounts, but they’re hardcore fighters. Gunnar Brand, their leader, has taken the Oath of Bloodshed, and when he takes down an enemy hero, he earns a boon—a Ward of 4+ to help him achieve his bloody goals. These warriors fight tooth and nail to defend their lands from Sigmar’s forces.

Rules and Pre-Orders

You can download the rules for Abraxia and Gunnar Brand right now. Their full rules, along with Abraxia’s Varanguard-focused Army of Renown, The Swords of Chaos, and Gunnar’s Regiment of Renown are detailed in Hounds of Chaos, which is up for pre-order this Saturday. Don’t miss out on snagging Abraxia’s Varanspear!

So, get ready for the chaos and mayhem! The end of this edition is going out with a bang, and there’s plenty of epic battles to be had. Whether you’re leading the Skaven swarm or unleashing chaos with Abraxia and Gunnar, it’s a fantastic time to be part of the Mortal Realms. Stay tuned and keep those dice rolling!

And remember, Frontline Gaming sells gaming products at a discount, every day in their webcart!

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