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Board Games Review: 7 Wonders – Cities Expansion

The Cities expansion for Seven Wonders, designed by Antoine Bauza and published by Asmodee, introduces new layers of depth and complexity to the base game. This expansion adds a new set of black cards representing various city structures, introduces team play, and brings new game mechanics such as diplomacy and debt. These additions aim to enhance the thematic experience of managing an ancient city by incorporating elements of urban intrigue and economic pressure.


  1. Enhanced Strategic Depth: The introduction of black city cards adds more strategic options and depth to the game. These cards often have powerful effects that can influence multiple aspects of gameplay, offering new avenues for victory and enriching the overall strategic experience.
  2. Team Play Mode: The expansion introduces a team play mode, which allows for cooperative strategies and collaboration between players. This mode can accommodate up to eight players, making it a great addition for larger groups and adding a new social dynamic to the game.
  3. Diplomacy and Debt Mechanics: New mechanics such as diplomacy and debt add interesting twists to the gameplay. Diplomacy tokens allow players to avoid military conflicts for a round, while debt forces players to manage their resources more carefully to avoid negative points, adding new layers of strategic planning and risk management.
  4. Increased Replayability: With additional cards, mechanics, and ways to play, the Cities expansion significantly increases the replayability of Seven Wonders. Each game can feel different as players explore new strategies and combinations introduced by the expansion.
  5. Seamless Integration: The expansion integrates smoothly with the base game, maintaining the core gameplay while adding meaningful complexity. It also works well with other expansions like Leaders, allowing for even richer gameplay experiences.


  1. Increased Complexity: The added mechanics and strategic depth can increase the complexity of the game, potentially overwhelming new players or those who prefer the more streamlined experience of the base game. The learning curve becomes steeper with the inclusion of the expansion.
  2. Longer Playtime: With the additional mechanics and decision-making introduced by the Cities expansion, the game’s playtime can be extended. This might not be ideal for players looking for a quick game session.
  3. Component Quality Variability: Similar to the base game, some editions of the Cities expansion have been noted for variable component quality. Issues like thin cards or misprints can detract from the overall experience.
  4. Potential for Analysis Paralysis: The increased options and strategic depth may lead to analysis paralysis for some players, slowing down the game as they weigh the various choices and their potential outcomes.

In summary, the Cities expansion for Seven Wonders adds significant strategic depth, replayability, and new mechanics that enhance the thematic experience of managing an ancient city. While it increases the complexity and playtime of the game, it offers a richer and more varied gameplay experience that can be particularly rewarding for experienced players and larger groups. The seamless integration with the base game and other expansions makes Cities a valuable addition to the Seven Wonders collection.

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