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Aos 4th Ed. – Stormcast Eternals Preview

Hey, fellow Warhammer Age of Sigmar fans! Let’s dive into the awesomeness that is the Stormcast Eternals. These guys are like demigods in shiny sigmarite armor, handpicked by Sigmar himself at the moment of their death and reforged into immortal warriors on the Anvil of Apotheosis. They’re the ultimate defenders of the Mortal Realms, fighting the forces of Chaos with divine lightning.

The Immortal Champions of Sigmar

Stormcast Eternals aren’t just tough – they’re relentless. Even when they fall in battle, their souls get zapped back to Azyr to be reforged. This immortality comes at a cost, though. With each reforging, they lose a bit of their humanity. Despite this heavy price, they keep fighting to secure the future for Sigmar’s faithful.

Stormhosts and Chambers

Stormcast Eternals are organized into Stormhosts, each with its own history and fighting style. Led by a Lord-Commander, these Stormhosts have various chambers specializing in different battlefield roles:

Battle Traits

The Battle Traits of the Stormcast Eternals make them a formidable force on the tabletop. They deploy from the Celestial Realm with precision as Scions of the Storm. When they need to hold ground, they call upon Their Finest Hour for increased resilience and ferocity, with fallen warriors replaced by Heavens-Sent reinforcements.

Battle Formations

Every faction in the new edition gets a Faction Pack with four Battle Formations. These formations guide how you build and play your army to gain specific bonuses. For the Stormcast, popular formations include Thunderhead Host and Lightning Echelon. The Sentinels of the Bleak Citadel from the Ruination chambers bring their ancient storm-charged energy, shrugging off attacks with a Ward (5+).

Heroic Traits and Artefacts

Each Faction Pack also includes Heroic Traits and Artefacts of Power, giving you extra flexibility and tactical choices. These can be taken by any hero in your army, adding layers of strategic depth.

Magic and Prayers

The Stormcast Eternals have plenty of magical and divine support. They come with a plethora of priests and the Bless Weapons prayer, which, once charged with ritual points, can enhance multiple units within 12 inches, making them a real force to be reckoned with.

Unit Highlights

Spearhead Spotlight

In the new edition, every faction gets a Spearhead force for fast-paced games. The Stormcast Eternals have two: Yndrasta’s Spearhead and the Vigilant Brotherhood. The latter, included in the new Skaventide box, is a versatile force featuring Prosecutors, Liberators, a Lord-Veritant, and a Lord-Vigilant on Gryph-stalker. These units are designed to hit hard and can reinforce after being destroyed, making them incredibly resilient.


This article is just the beginning of our deep dive into each faction of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. Keep an eye on the hub page for new updates, and get ready to master the art of war with the Stormcast Eternals. These divine warriors are set to dominate the battlefield like never before!

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