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Matched Play Updates Coming to 40k!

Hey fellow Warhammer 40k enthusiasts! If you’ve been digging the Leviathan Mission Deck for your 10th edition games, get ready because the Necrons are stepping up to bring some fresh chaos with the new Chapter Approved: Pariah Nexus Mission Deck. This new deck promises to shake things up for the next year of matched play missions, and it’s packed with awesome new content.

What’s in the Deck?

Just like before, this set gives you a randomized set of mission parameters for each game using Deployment, Mission Rule, and Primary and Secondary Mission cards. The big twist? Secret Missions are replacing Gambits. These new cards let you pull off some sneaky tactics to snatch victory even if you’re lagging in the primary mission.

Highlighting BATTLELINE Units

Half of the new Mission Rules boost your BATTLELINE units. Whether it’s Raising Banners for extra VPs or Rapid Escalation to hit your opponent’s flanks early, your core troops are more valuable than ever. It’s time to get those stalwart squads out of the backfield and into the action!

Primary and Secondary Missions

There are three new Primary Missions to test your army’s mobility and endurance. Terraform, for instance, forces defensive armies to get moving, as it rewards players who perform a special Action on objectives. Do you rush for those early points or try to control the battlefield methodically? Tough decisions ahead!

Secondary Missions now have clearer designs to show when and how you score points. New tasks like booby-trapping terrain, securing board edges, or targeting enemy units marked for death (chosen by your opponent) add layers of strategy. It’s a fun mix of risk and reward – you get to choose elite, durable targets, but it makes them juicy points for your enemy.

Secret Missions – The New Gambit

Secret Missions are your ace in the hole if you’re falling behind. Choose one at the end of the third Battle Round, but keep it hidden until the game ends. If you complete the special condition, you snag 20VP! But, there’s a catch – you can’t score more than 20VP from your Primary Mission if you pick a Secret Mission, capping your total at 40VP even if you succeed. This high-stakes gamble could turn the tide if your main plan is falling apart.

Each Secret Mission has unique objectives. For example, Command Insertion has you make a bold move into your opponent’s deployment zone, while War of Attrition pushes you to eliminate their BATTLELINE units and dominate their territory. Your opponent will try to guess and counter your moves, so you’ll need to be sneaky!

Ready for Action

The Pariah Nexus Mission Deck includes 69 cards, covering both Attacker and Defender decks of Secondary Missions and Secret Missions, plus six pop-out objective tokens. Everything you need is in one pack – just bring your army, terrain, measuring tools, and dice.

Coming Soon

Keep an eye out for the release date, because the Chapter Approved: Pariah Nexus Mission Deck is landing in just a few months. Get ready to dive into some intense and unpredictable battles with these new missions. Stay tuned on Warhammer Community for pre-order details and more updates. Until then, happy gaming and may your strategies be ever cunning!

And remember, Frontline Gaming sells gaming products at a discount, every day in their webcart!

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