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Chaos Space Marine Detachment Preview!

Alright, fellow heretics, let’s dive into the chaos-infused madness that is Codex: Chaos Space Marines! Imagine being handed not one, not two, but a whopping eight Detachments to play with – it’s like the Chaos gods themselves are smiling upon us! Each of these Detachments lets you sculpt your army after some of the most infamous forces in the galaxy, from those sneaky Alpha Legionnaires to the bloodthirsty Khorne-worshipping maniacs.

So, you’re itching to get your Chaos Space Marines right into the thick of it? Look no further than the Deceptors Detachment, inspired by the Alpha Legion’s covert tactics. Sneak your troops closer to the enemy with the Infiltrators ability, catching your foes off guard before the battle even begins. Or, if subtlety isn’t your style, embrace the Renegade Raiders Detachment. With the Assault ability, your troops can charge headlong into the fray without sacrificing a single shot – perfect for those who prefer a more… direct approach.

But what about those poor, overlooked Cultists? Fear not, for the Chaos Cult Detachment is here to turn your rabble into battle-hardened warriors. Send them screaming into the fray with Desperate Devotion, tying up enemy firepower while your more elite units do the real damage. And once they’ve proved their worth, slap on an Incendiary Goad and watch them tear through the enemy lines like never before.

Now, if you’re like me and can’t decide on a single strategy, the Veterans of the Long War Detachment has got your back. Embrace your Chaos Space Marines’ versatility with rules that let you take down anything in your path. Combine the Black Crusade Stratagem with Let the Galaxy Burn, and watch as your foes cower before your relentless onslaught of bolts and flames.

But what if you’re not content with just being a regular Chaos Lord? Fear not, my power-hungry friend. Whether you prefer smashing enemy vehicles or breaking spirits, there’s an Enhancement for you. The Fell-hammer Siege Host Detachment lets you wield weapons forged with Iron Artifice, perfect for tearing through even the toughest armor.

Or, if you prefer a more… personal touch, strap on a jump pack and join the terrifying Dread Talons Detachment. With Warp-fuelled Thrusters, you’ll be in and out of combat before your enemies know what hit them.

And let’s not forget about the classics, like the Talisman of Burning Blood, back and better than ever. With a bit of luck, you’ll be dishing out devastation like never before. So, whether you’re tuning up your monstrous machines with the Soulforged Warpack Detachment or leading your warband to glory, Codex: Chaos Space Marines has something for every disciple of the Dark Gods.

And hey, if you’re already planning your next Chaos incursion, you’re in luck – pre-orders start this Saturday! So grab your dice, summon your daemons, and let’s show those lapdogs of the False Emperor what real power looks like!

And remember, Frontline Gaming sells gaming products at a discount, every day in their webcart!

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