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Age of Sigmar Vermindoom Battlescroll Update

The final Battlescroll of the current edition of Warhammer Age of Sigmar brings some subtle yet impactful balance changes to the game. While the upcoming new edition promises more comprehensive adjustments, these tweaks aim to enhance the gaming experience in the remaining months of matched play.

Among the changes, some units have seen adjustments to their weapon ranges, such as the Putrid Blightkings, Spite-Revenants, and Alarielle. Additionally, the Cruel Taskmaster command trait for the Flesh-eater Courts has been modified to balance its potency.

Points adjustments have also been made across factions, with some experiencing increases, like the Blades of Khorne, while others see reductions to encourage new unit choices and strategic diversity. These changes aim to maintain a balanced and engaging gaming environment until the transition to the new edition occurs later this year.

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