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AoS 4.0: The Priority Roll and YOu

In the upcoming edition of Warhammer Age of Sigmar, one of the cornerstone mechanics remains the priority roll, a feature that adds layers of strategy and uncertainty to every battle. Here’s a breakdown of how it works and what’s changing in the new system:

At the start of each battle round, players roll off to determine who takes the first turn. This initial choice can heavily influence army composition and strategic planning. Subsequent priority rolls occur at the start of each new battle round, with the winner deciding who goes first.

The potential for a “double turn” arises when a player wins the priority roll in consecutive rounds, granting them the opportunity to take two turns in a row. This can be a game-changer, offering a significant tactical advantage.

In the new edition, the balance between risk and reward for the double turn has been finely tuned. In matched play battlepacks, opting for a double turn means sacrificing the opportunity to pick a battle tactic for the turn. This introduces a strategic dilemma, as players must weigh the benefits of seizing the initiative against other tactical considerations.

Matt, the Lead Games Developer for Warhammer Age of Sigmar, emphasizes the dynamic nature of the priority roll and its impact on gameplay. The uncertainty it creates forces players to adapt and make strategic choices based on unpredictable outcomes.

Ben, the Product Developer, highlights the importance of timing when deciding to give away or capitalize on a double turn. Experienced players will carefully consider their positioning and long-term strategies to maximize the benefits of this mechanic.

Despite initial skepticism from some new players, the double turn remains a key aspect of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. It can add depth and excitement to each game, prompting fierce loyalty from the community.

As more details about changes in the new edition emerge, such as command points, scoring, and the Underdog mechanic, players can expect further enhancements to tactics and strategies. But one thing’s for certain: the priority roll is here to stay, so start honing those forward-planning skills!

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