In the annals of Warhammer 40,000 lore, few conflicts loom as large as the Siege of Vraks, and now, this epic tale gets a gripping new chapter in the form of a novel by Steve Lyons.
While the Imperial Armour series gave us the grand overview, this book zooms in on the gritty reality faced by the common soldiers of the Death Korps of Krieg. Follow Officer Tyborc as he navigates the horrors of Vraks and the sacrificial ethos of his regiment.

For die-hard fans, there’s an awe-inspiring special edition wrapped in the grim visage of the Death Korps, complete with an extra short story and an author’s afterword. It’s a collector’s dream.
But how did this brutal conflict begin? It all started with the rebellion of an apostate preacher, plunging Vraks into chaos. The Imperium’s response was ruthless, calculating millions of Guardsmen’s lives as acceptable losses to reclaim the world. Only the Death Korps, famed for their unflinching resolve, could endure such a bloodbath.
As the novel unfolds, you’ll witness the relentless trench warfare that defines the Death Korps’ reputation for mercilessness. Every inch gained is paid for in blood, as they face the horrors unleashed by the forces of Chaos.
Prepare to dive into the heart of darkness when Siege of Vraks hits shelves later this year. And if you crave more Death Korps action, check out Krieg, another gripping novel by Steve Lyons. It’s a grim journey into a world where sacrifice is just another day in the trenches.
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