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Warhammer Kill Team: the Cults Face off Against the Votann

In the crumbling world of Bheta-Decima, chaos reigns as warbands vie for valuable loot amidst the ruins of once-thriving seaborne platforms. In the upcoming expansion, Kill Team: Termination, two new Kill Teams will clash in the midst of this turmoil.

The expansion features Hernkyn scouts from the Leagues of Votann facing off against Astra Militarum troopers infected by a Genestealer Cult. The Hernkyn Yaegirs, equipped with powerful weaponry and hunting skills, are prepared for up-close combat, while the Brood Brothers, sleeper soldiers of the Genestealer Cult, combine Astra Militarum training with fanatical zealotry.

As the conflict unfolds amidst the glowing plasma coils of power generatoriums, the terrain becomes as much a challenge as the opposing forces. The massive plasma generatoriums offer cover and vantage points but also pose hazards due to their unreliable nature.

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