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Updated Keywords added to Star Wars: Legion Core Rulebook

The updated keywords affect Inquisitors, Clone Commandos, the Bad Batch and Range Troopers.

Continuing their utterly puzzling trend of limited communication across social networks, AMG put a post on Instagram (and nowhere else that I can find) that they have added keywords to the ST:L Core Rulebook. The Core Rulebook is free to download from their site and the current file already has the changes, which are highlighted in blue (another puzzling choice, considering how many things are already highlighted in blue in that book, including in the Keywords section). Let’s take a look at some of the additions.

During army building, a unit with the Associate keyword does not count its rank towards the maximum rank requirements for that rank if a unit with the specified unit name is included in the same army.

When a unit with the Advanced Targeting X keyword declares an attack against an enemy unit with the unit type listed, before measuring range it may gain X aim tokens. A unit that uses the Advanced Targeting X keyword may only form one attack pool and skips the Declare Additional Defender step of the attack sequence.

A unit with the We’re Not Regs keyword may not spend green tokens on other Clone Trooper units, and other Clone Trooper units may not spend that unit’s green tokens. The Fire Support keyword cannot be used while a unit with the We’re Not Regs keyword is performing an attack.

This last one is an update to an existing keyword. The new text has been highlighted.

While a unit performs an attack using an attack pool that includes a weapon with the Ram X keyword, during the Modify Attack Dice step, it may change X results to “critical” results if it meets either of the following conditions:

Go download the Core Rulebook from the AMG website to see all the changes and additions. Happy gaming!

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