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Heresy Thursday: Setting Our Sights on Shadrak Meduson

As the Drop Site Massacre plunged the galaxy into chaos at the onset of the Horus Heresy, few among the Legiones Astartes could boast of being born on Terra. Yet, amidst the devastation of that fateful event, Shadrak Meduson of the Iron Hands stood as a rare testament to Terra’s legacy.

Born Shadrak Smyth in the ancient lands of Old Albia, Meduson embraced his Primarch Ferrus Manus upon the discovery of Medusa, adopting the name that would become synonymous with vengeance and resilience. Rising through the ranks with a flexible mindset and rallying prowess, he ascended to the esteemed position of Tenth Captain of the Sorrgol Clan-Company within the Iron Hands.

However, fate spared Meduson the horrors of Isstvan V’s Drop Site Massacre, as he was tasked with leading the second wave of Iron Hands. Instead of engaging in the catastrophic battle on the planet’s surface, he found himself defending against traitor boarding actions in the void.

Yet, in the face of overwhelming defeat, Meduson seized command of the remaining Iron Hands, forming a resilient alliance with survivors from the Raven Guard and Salamanders. Together, they became a relentless force of resistance, striking back at the Traitor Legions and their sinister agent, Tybalt Marr.

The miniature of Meduson captures him in his role as a vengeful guerrilla warrior, scarred and augmented, launching hit-and-fade attacks against the Traitor forces. Adorned with the emblem of his adopted clan and wielding a master-crafted boltgun alongside his Albian power gladius, Meduson inspires his comrades to unleash reckless violence upon their foes with his ability to “Raise the Storm.”

Soon to be available for pre-order, Meduson will feature in The Battle for Beta-Garmon supplement with rules, allowing players to recreate the bitter war between him and Tybalt Marr. For further insights into the Storm Walker’s saga, readers can delve into the short story collection “Meduson” from Black Library.

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