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Dark Angels Crusade List Samples!

So, you’re ready to dive into the shadows with your Dark Angels, huh? Well, get ready, because we’ve got some tactical insights straight from the trenches, courtesy of GW Community’s two seasoned Unforgiven players, Rob and Andy. Let’s break down their strategies for your next Narrative campaign.

First up, Rob’s Deathwing-inspired army is all about versatility. While Terminators take center stage, he’s mixing it up with a range of units sporting the Deathwing keyword. From Vanguard Veterans to Sternguard Veterans, Rob’s list is a blend of heavy hitters and objective holders. Plus, he’s not skimping on the heavy firepower, bringing in Repulsor Executioners for some added punch.

On the other hand, Andy’s Ravenwing force is all about speed and precision strikes. With masses of bikes, including Outriders and Invader ATVs, Andy’s army is a swift-moving, hard-hitting force. Utilizing pincer movements and specialized Ravenwing units, he aims to overwhelm the enemy and trap them in a deadly hunt.

Whether you’re sticking to the iconic Inner Circle companies or mixing it up with a classic Unforgiven Task Force Detachment, the key is to flood the battlefield with targets and ensure your enemy can’t escape. After all, hunting the Fallen isn’t for the faint of heart.

So, how will you lead your Dark Angels in your next campaign? Will you opt for the stoic Deathwing or the lightning-fast Ravenwing? The choice is yours, but remember, victory lies in strategy, cunning, and a touch of the Lion’s grace.

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