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The Kroot Lone-Spear Skulks Forth!

Hey there, fellow commanders! Get ready to welcome a new addition to the Kroot ranks – the Lone-spears!

These Kroot warriors are a bit different from your usual kinband. They prefer to roam solo or with their trusty Kalamandras, riding these chameleonic creatures into battle with deadly precision. These guys are experts at tracking enemies and relaying vital intel to their kin, making them invaluable on the battlefield.

Armed with explosive-tipped javelins or the pinpoint accurate Kroot long gun, these Lone-spears can take down enemies from afar or up close and personal. Plus, their shots serve as beacons for their fellow Kroot, guiding the pack to victory.

So, if you’re looking to add some stealthy hunters to your T’au Empire army, keep an eye out for the Kroot Long-spears in the upcoming releases. And don’t forget to check out the Kroot Hunting Pack army set for even more Kroot goodness!

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