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Age of Sigmar Updates and Points Changes are Live!

Alright, fellow generals, it’s time to dive into the nitty-gritty of the battlefield with the latest scoop from the General’s Handbook: Pitched Battles 2023-24! The Warhammer Studio has unleashed some spicy updates to keep our matched play sessions as thrilling as ever.

First up, let’s talk magic. The Wizard-finders of Andtor are leveling up with their Magic Hunters ability, making them more resilient against spellcasters. Plus, there’s a new battle tactic called Drain Their Power, perfect for those who prefer brawn over magic.

And speaking of brawn, melee combat is still king! Now, more units can swing their weapons with a 2-inch reach, giving them an edge in close combat. Get ready to unleash the fury with Gors, Tzaangors, and more!

But wait, there’s more! Faction-specific tactics are getting a tweak, like Flee-Flee! for Skaven and The Grasping Dead for Soulblight Gravelords. And guess what? Daemon Princes are beefing up their attacks, while Khorne is unleashing his fury on wizards everywhere!

For Tzeentch fans, rejoice! Blue Horrors and Brimstone Horrors are now Battleline options, offering new army-building strategies. And let’s not forget the Sloppity Bilepiper’s funky tune, now affecting hit rolls instead of pile-ins.

With all these changes and more, it’s time to update your strategies, rally your forces, and conquer the battlefield like never before! So grab your dice and let the battles begin!

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