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GW Revives the Full Tilt Mini Game!

Alright, fellow knights and hobbyists, it’s time to saddle up and charge into the world of jousting tournaments with the updated classic, Full Tilt! Picture this: Bretonnian Knights, shining in their armor, competing for honor and glory in a Grand Tourney fit for legends.

So, what’s the deal with this game? Well, each player assembles a team of three mounted Bretonnian Knights, each assigned a Knightly Virtue for that extra edge. Roll the dice to see how many Favors you’ve earned from the Lady of the Lake to reroll those crucial moments. Then, it’s time to charge! Break lances, force your opponent to retire in shame, and claim victory in the joust. Simple, right? Well, not quite. It’s all about strategy, timing, and a little dash of luck!

But wait, there’s more! You don’t have to journey to far-off lands to join the fun. You can download the game yourself and play at home! All you need are a deck of playing cards and three Bretonnian Knight miniatures per side, and you’re ready to tilt!

Now, let’s talk about the battlefield. We’re not talking your standard gaming board here; oh no, we’re talking full-on diorama spectacle! Thanks to the talented folks at Warhammer+, we’ve got a breathtaking jousting terrain set, complete with tilts, tents, and even a Duke’s box. It’s like stepping into the Old World itself!

And hey, if you’re feeling inspired to craft your own jousting extravaganza, fear not! You can easily whip up your own tilt and Duke’s box using materials like expanded PVC or balsa wood. Get creative with it, make it your own!

So, grab your lance, rally your knights, and prepare for a tournament of epic proportions. The glory of Bretonnia awaits, brave knights!

And remember, Frontline Gaming sells gaming products at a discount, every day in their webcart!

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